snus, Tobacco | Anna and Håvard launched the first Norwegian-made snus in 80 years – it exceeded all expectations


Three Trondheim engineers have started Norway’s first large-scale snus production since the war. It sold out in a day.

Snus is gaining an increasing market share over smoking and has become very popular at all ages. However, most of the snus we use in Norway is produced in Sweden.

But the three engineers Eirik Volent, Håvard Dretvik and Anna Wildèn from Trondheim wanted to do something about it.

It all started with the installation of some potted plants where they experimented. But after a party, they came to the conclusion that this could be much bigger.

– It started a bit with Anna. There were some potted plants on the porch, so it was talked about. Then he went into action, says Volent.

Read more: New Swedish study: Snus leads to smoking – being euthanized in Norway

Above all expectations

Dretvik, who is from a farm, contributed access to a suitable field. Wildèn was in charge of the green fingers and Volent was in charge of the commercial work. This is how Snusbonden AS was founded.

– It has exceeded all expectations, says Volent to Nettavisen.

In collaboration with Norway’s largest online snus shop, they launched snus a short time ago. But already a day later, the snus ran out. Inside the website, there is a message that the next shipment will not be ready for a couple of months. But then the company promises that more boxes will be available.

Also read: New study: Snus reduces the risk of cancer

Click the pic to enlarge.  Snusgård

TRØNDERTOBAKK: From the farm to Snusbonden, which has recently started producing snus.
Photo: Private

Unlike most types of snus which cost roughly SEK 70-80 at an online store, a box of loose snus from Snusbonden costs SEK 149. It goes with locally produced and organic snus, says Volent.

Homemade Trøndelag Tobacco

– Our goal is for it to be locally produced and respectful of the environment. The packaging is made from plant fiber and recycled plastic. We organize tobacco plants ourselves and with the help of serious work. So consumers know that everything is in order, he says.

They see themselves a bit like a microbrewery. Snus is not meant to be every day, but rather something very special. The response they received was a huge surprise to the trio.

Also read: The coronavirus gives a powerful snus boom: Some customers ask for 100 boxes

– We were hopeful, but the response we have received is clearly surprising. People have called alone to tell us how much they like what we do, says Volent.

Assure Nettavisen that the next shipment of snus will be ready before Christmas. And then an even bigger batch of snus is produced for Easter., which is the partner where Norwegian-produced snus is sold, thinks it’s funny that Norwegian snus is hitting the market.

Read more: Håkon (51) may lose his livelihood. Minister of Health: – I am satisfied

Click the pic to enlarge.  Snus365

LOOKING FORWARD: The Snus365 online store sold out for snus in 24 hours. They are now looking forward to the next shipment, which will be ready just before Christmas.
Photo: Snus365

– After it sold out on Friday, we have had more than 5,000 visits to the product and could multiply sales by 10, if not more, says marketing manager Adrian Huer at the company.

Now they just wait for the next part of the production to be ready.

– It was absolutely overwhelming. Now we wait for the next production to be ready, Huer tells Nettavisen.
