Snow forecasts in various places of the country on Sunday – VG


SNOW: According to meteorologists, snow will fall in large parts of Norway on Sunday. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

Meteorologists urge motorists across the country to be vigilant on Sunday morning, then snow is expected in much of the country.

– We have chosen to go out with the danger warning because people are not ready for snow at the moment, many may have switched to summer tires, for example, says the meteorologist on duty for the western country and Trøndelag, Kristin Seter, to VG.

A moderate snow warning has been issued in many locations, posing a moderate danger. Seats say snow is expected in most places in western Norway and in Trøndelag starting Sunday morning. The same applies to southern and eastern countries.

– During the night there will be fresh air, and in the morning there can be rain in the form of snow in many places. There will be no talk of large numbers, and it will happen in the morning, but it is advisable for motorists to be vigilant, explains Anne Beate Skattør, meteorologist on duty for southern and eastern countries.

DANGER WARNING: Here are the alerts for the southern and eastern countries. Photo: meteorologists

I’m not sure the weather on May 17

She says the coolest temperatures will last all week.

– It will be a little colder than normal, and in some parts of the country we may have freezing nights, says Skattør.

However, you allow yourself to be cautious optimistic for the weather of May 17 next Sunday.

– It is early to say for sure, but it seems to be more likely that there is a weather storm, and temperatures will rise slightly towards the end of the week.

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These are the rules of May 17

For the western country and Trøndelag, it is still too early to report a clear judgment on the weather on National Day.

– Overall, it is still not possible to say anything about the weather on May 17. We’re also curious, so we’ve started checking, but so far there’s too much variation in the forecasts, says Seter.

DANGER WARNING: Such is the danger warning for the western country. Photo: meteorologists

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