Snow forecast sent for much of southern Norway


A snow hazard warning of up to 200 meters was issued across much of southern Norway on Tuesday night.

A snow hazard warning has been issued across much of southern Norway. Photo: Paul Kleiven / NTB

– People should consider whether the car is properly locked. It’s okay to be on the safe side. It’s October, so it’s time for that, on-duty meteorologist Espen Biseth Granan of the Meteorological Institute tells NTB.

The hazard warning applies to Mondays and Tuesdays, and for many it is the first snow of fall. Granan is especially aware that there can also be snow in populated areas.

– No snow falls in the center of Oslo, but in Greater Oslo and Romerike it can reach. Furthermore, the Mjøs region, where many people live, is vulnerable, he says.

– The temperature is expected to rise rapidly beyond Tuesday, so there may be a transition to rain, says the meteorologist.

Inside, on the other hand, he does not rule out that the snow may linger for a while.

– If it reaches 15 centimeters, it will blow out quickly if no hot air enters. It takes a bit to get rid of it, he says.

Rain in the west

The hazard warning was sent to Telemark, Viken, Oslo, Agder and parts of Rogaland, but western Norway is also affected.

– In Bergen, precipitation is expected, but milder temperatures. Further inland, there may be a risk of snow, says Granan.

Central Norway is leaving behind a weather-marked weekend in construction, with a number of challenging conditions leading to road accidents.

– The showers will be more intense on Sunday and will subside after Monday. Tuesday looks pretty good, but with a risk of night frosts. During the week there will be easterly winds and some precipitation. Temperatures will rise a bit, but you don’t need to get very high on the ground before you find snow, says Granan.

Clear and cold in the north

In the north of the country, however, it seems to be heading towards a week of inclement weather.

– Nordland and Troms will have a good time, with mostly dry conditions. In Tromsø, negative degrees are expected, while Bodø will reduce temperatures to zero.

– In Alta, conditions are good, but with scattered rainfall and temperatures below zero degrees, adds state meteorologist Granan.

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