Sivs Horse Trade: – Trade Cheaper Alcohol for More Refugees


Solid in time, the four bourgeois parties are about to achieve a budget unity.

The agreement will involve large tax cuts on wine and beer, sources report to various media.

From what Dagbladet understands, it adds no even cuts in taxes on alcoholic beverages.

Taxes on alcohol will be reduced by 10 percent and the tax on snus by 25 percent, if budget agreements are signed, TV 2 sources say.

In return, Jensen is said to have agreed that Norway will accept 3,000 quota refugees next year.

Resistance in KrF

Cheaper alcohol, fewer refugees and less aid are the exact opposite of what the ruling KrF party wants and has gone to the polls. The cases also largely go with the deal the four parties agreed to when the government’s declaration on Granavolden was signed.

There is also a lot of opposition to this from the grassroots of KrF.

FRP is at a digital meeting this afternoon to assess whether progress is good enough for a party in crisis: FRP garners 8.8 percent support for the TV 2 poll released today.

Several school leaders are employed:

Several school leaders are employed:

Extraordinary meetings

According to TV 2, KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad agreed to a “significant reduction” of the alcohol tax on beer and wine. KrF has called a special group meeting to consider the proposed budget agreement at 4 pm The Liberal Party will also hold a group meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

On Tuesday, the Progress Party called its organs to a digital meeting to take a position on what is on the table, reports NTB.

The parties plan to present a deal Tuesday night, NTB understands. The financial debate at the Storting will take place on Thursday.

– Now there are some small things left that we have to work on a bit, FRP leader Siv Jensen said Monday night.

KrF Prayer: - Don't give up!

KrF Prayer: – Don’t give up!

The requirements for Siv

From what NTB understands, a potential budget deal will have a solid impact on the Progress Party in several areas.

FRP leader Siv Jensen has also demanded 1 billion from retirees in negotiations, to ensure greater purchasing power for this group next year.

Before the negotiations, the FRP demanded cuts in the development aid budget and in the number of refugees Norway will receive next year.

FRP also gets a breakthrough for a solid money bag for a package to help the maritime industry weather the crown crisis, NTB reports.
