Silje (43) underwent obesity surgery, then received the death sentence


When Silje Øien Midtflå (43) was told last year that she had incurable cancer, it was the trips to the forest that saved her.

Although cancer might have been discovered earlier, she has put bitterness aside and instead created her own hiking trail where embroidered flowers show the way, for herself and others.

See the full interview at the top of the case.

Incorrect response from the hospital

Silje’s story begins in 2017, when she discovered a lump on her breast. He decided to check it out.

– I went to the GP and they quickly referred me for mammography and ultrasound. There they gave me a thorough examination and sent me home with the message that everything was completely normal and that there were only glandular changes. And you trust the health service, Silje tells Good Morning Norway.

AMAZING CANCER: Silje Øien Midtflå has an incurable cancer. Photo: Private

It takes two full years before cancer is discovered, and then by sheer chance, after an obesity operation.

– I wake up with a conversation with the surgeon who tells how it went, but also says that they have found some white spots on my liver.

Time passed without Silje receiving a new summons. After she urged him on, they told her to report to the hospital.

– I’m going alone, and I think I should go to the hospital. There they tell me I have cancer, without being told that I should have someone with me. The doctor says that the cancer is incurable and that the prognosis is six years. Then it got dark and it was a difficult time.

Joy over bitterness

Subsequently, Silje received compensation for injuries from the patient. Instead of being bitter because cancer was not discovered sooner, find joy in the forest.

– I was diagnosed with cancer in November, so when the pandemic hit and Norway closed, I had been there for a long time. But I had colleagues who took me to the forest and during the pandemic the whole family went out. Since then, I’ve just kept going, says Silje.

– I think you can get something that you don’t know you have before you have to. I think everyone has it in themselves.

DECORATE THE FOREST: Silje Øien Midtflå has created a hiking trail where crocheted flowers show the way

DECORATE THE FOREST: Silje Øien Midtflå has made a hiking trail where crocheted flowers show the way Photo: Cathrine Fossum

Flower stone

Silje has made a five-kilometer hiking trail, where she has marked with around 40 embroidered flowers.

– It’s not just me who struggles with the poor sense of place. I thought about how to mark, and how can I knit, I marked the hiking trail with crocheted flowers. Now there are many who use this path.

Silje wants to stay active and fulfill the dreams she has had for a long time.

– For many years I have dreamed of jumping on Vemorkbrua elastic or parachuting, and now I think that now I have to. Also, I want to travel a lot. The dream travel companion is Lars Monsen, it would have been great to take him on a trip!
