Sign up and start a new party – NRK Vestland


In a press release, the chairman of the FNB board of directors in Alver, Morten Klemetsen, writes that the party is withdrawing from the national meeting this weekend.

“We see ourselves as defenders of the people of our citizens. We want to be a broad popular party without a political side in politics. The Alver Popular Party will involve us in issues and issues that concern the majority of people, regardless of political color.” Klemetsen writes in the press release.

FNB in ​​Alver is the largest local team in the country and received 22.1 percent support in previous local elections.

Doesn’t appear at the national meeting

The home team has decided that for the moment they will not participate in any national or regional party body under the umbrella of the FNB.

This weekend, FNB will hold its first national meeting after last year’s by-elections.

– Of course, we are all on the program and the promises for which we have been chosen. We will continue to fight against tolls as a key issue. We believe it is a better way to build a broader platform and a democracy from below in a new People’s Party.

Frustration with time

For NRK, Klemetsen says the process of leaving the mother’s party has been going on for a while.

A major reason for the withdrawal is frustration with democratic processes within the FNB.

– We have lived under the FNB as a “satellite” for a long time and we have lost a democracy that goes from the bottom up. We have distanced ourselves and now we are doing something about it, says Klemetsen.

The local team is also dissatisfied with the treatment its three female representatives on the county council in western Norway have received internally within the organization.

– All three have chosen not to participate because it has not been so easy to just sit there.

Become independent

Klemetsen does not currently know if there are multiple home teams at FNB that are considering following Alver.

– Has received support from voters as FNB. Is it okay to break with the party in the middle of an electoral period?

– The party will be the same and the people will be the same. We will continue in our demoralistic way in Alver, and I see no reason to doubt our legitimacy, says Klemetsen.

The chairman of the board emphasizes that they will stand as independent representatives until the new party is formally approved in the Brønnøysund register.
