Sian Demonstrations – Charlotte (33) attacked:


– It was just a walk downtown. I did not participate in the Sian celebration or the counter-demonstrations, but when I saw several of them throw objects at the police horses in the Cathedral, I thought, “What the heck is this for behavior?” I could not avoid it. Then I had to face them, he tells Dagbladet.

Charlotte, 33, who does not want to appear with her full name and photo for fear of being recognized by those involved, says she went to speak with them. Then they must have started yelling insults at her, even “fucking whore,” he says.

– They started walking towards me and I left. But it didn’t help, they were willing to accept me, she says.

DEMONSTRATION: The Sian organization, very critical of Islam, is holding a demonstration in front of the Storting. They have faced many more counter-protesters, and the mood in front of the Storting has started to rise. Video: Øistein Monsen / Eugene Laran
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– A ten minute game

Charlotte says things happened quickly. She is said to have been pushed against one of the Espresso House windows in Kirkeristen, and several are said to have gathered around her.

– Several people attacked me, many apparently young. There was total chaos, a ten-minute fight, he says.

According to the 33-year-old, who describes herself as a small and fragile person, many have also come between her and the other party to defend her, including several guards.

– Luckily I was not injured, but if people had not stood up and helped me, I do not dare to think about what could have happened, he says.

MAIN POLICE OPPORTUNITY: Operations manager Tor Grøttum confirms that one person was attacked and several people were attacked on the spot. Photo: Frank Karlsen / Dagbladet
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I kept this secret

I kept this secret

– Extremely aggressive

The director of operations in the Oslo police district, Tor Grøttum, confirms to Dagbladet that a person was attacked in the Cathedral at 4.30pm on Saturday and that the police left. NRK has also spoken to a witness who says he saw a gang of youths attack a woman outside the corresponding Espresso House cafeteria.

– They were extremely aggressive. A woman said something, they attacked her and beat her. At the same time, they tried to break the windows. I called the police, but they broke up before they arrived, he says.

Charlotte says that she likes animals too much and that she may have to think twice before confronting the counter-protesters.

– But like I said: I couldn’t help it. All he wanted was for them to stop throwing objects at innocent animals. Why hurt them in the whole thing? she says.

When the police arrived at the scene, the 33-year-old woman is said to have been taken to a police car before being taken away. You have now reported the incident and given descriptions of the people.

– I’m pretty shocked after this, completely taken aback.

POLICE HORSE: Police patrolled several police horses outside and around the Storting on Saturday afternoon. Photo: Frank Karlsen / Dagbladet
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Accused of ordering the murder of his wife

Accused of ordering the murder of his wife

– Counterproductive

Associate Professor and Extremism Researcher at OsloMet, Lars Gule, was present during the celebration as a volunteer guard on Saturday. He witnessed the counter-demonstrations and strongly opposes the behavior of those who participated in the riots.

– This is so counterproductive for them, and makes Sian successful in their case. Those who describe this as an understandable and anti-racist activity are talking nonsense. This has nothing to do with it, and it’s just about making noise and trouble, he tells Dagbladet.

He says there was a clear minority of those present who participated in the post-celebration riots, but he continues:

– The religion or anti-racist ideology itself cannot legitimize this type of behavior.

Again, he believes that Sian has received attention far beyond what is appropriate against racism.

Collision: Several people were arrested after the counter-demonstrations against the Sian brand on Saturday afternoon. Video: Øystein Monsen / Eugene Laran
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I tried to keep the daughter alive

I tried to keep the daughter alive

29 arrested

Police task force leader Torgeir Brenden reports to TV 2 that the police were forced to disrupt Sian’s signage outside the Storting due to danger to life and health. This after Sian’s profile, Fanny Bråten was smashed into pieces and spat on the pages of the Koran.

– There was a relatively large amount of stones, iron bars and other dangerous objects thrown at the police, and also due to the danger of the situation getting even worse, we decided to end the markings now, says Brend.

Operations manager Grøttum explains to NTB that the markup was completed at the agreed time. It confirms that the police were forced to use tear gas in small quantities against people and at 19:00 on Saturday, 29 counter-protesters were arrested.
