Sian Celebration in the Center of Hamar – NRK Innlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


The police have taken three Sian brand people in Hamar due to disorderly conduct.

One of those expelled is a Sian sympathizer. The other two are counter-protesters.

This is confirmed by Bård Einar Hoft in the Innlandet police district to NRK.

According to the plan, Sian’s marking will last from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Østre Torg in Hamar. Already an hour before, there were between 50 and 60 policemen there.

Sian’s leader, Lars Thorsen, is now giving a speech in the square. About 150 people have turned up.

It makes noise

Hoft says the counter-protesters try to make noise to drown Sian, but that people generally behave well.

– Some scream, others touch fences. But it appears that the police are in control for the moment, the NRK photographer says on the spot.

Sian hamar

MOTROP: Sian encounters strong motrop of several. Both the supporters of Sian and the counter-protesters are at Østre Torg in Hamar.

Photo: Mats Sparby / Mats Sparby

Inland Police have invested additional resources and say they are prepared for violence and riots.

Everyone who wants to enter Østre Torg is registered and several streets in the center are closed.


CONTROLLING EVERYONE: The police search the bodies of people who want to enter Østre Torg in Hamar.

Photo: Mats Sparby / Mats Sparby

– It is the role of the police to facilitate constitutional freedom of expression as long as statements and marks are within Norwegian law. The police must guarantee the safety of everyone present.

Inland Police Chief of Staff Pål Erik Teigen said this before the weekend.

It also issued a recommendation that all who come forward contribute to a peaceful and non-violent celebration.

Police have said they will closely monitor what is said about Sian and that criminal cases will be created in retrospect if hate speech is made.

You want to turn your back

Red Youth has encouraged people to come to Østre Torg, where Sian celebrates her celebration.

– It has been reported that a gang will turn their backs and demonstratively leave the scene when Sian starts at 1:00 p.m. People, of course, can come and go as they please, but we stay and make noise until Sian has to leave, they write on their website.

Unni Kronstad is in the square to show resistance. He plans to go to Stortorget, where Rødt and various political parties will hold a counter-demonstration, when Sian starts speaking.

– I don’t think it’s okay. I wish they stayed away. If they have to talk, they can find places where most people don’t travel on Saturdays. Hope it’s peaceful, she says.

The Norwegian church with the parish priest of Hamar, Per Erik Stave Engdal, also participates in the demonstration in Stortorget.

Solveig Fiske, bishop of Hamar, said ahead of the weekend that he expected counter-protesters to turn their backs on Sian, as they did when Brumunddal and the region distanced themselves from Arne Myrdal and the Popular Movement Against Immigration in 1991.

– Distancing yourself from what breaks equality and community is a well-established value. But the commitment, the will and the courage to speak must be rekindled and cared for. Nobody wants to go back to the time before Brumunddal turned his back on it, Fiske said.

Solveig fiske

NO VIOLENCE: – Showing commitment can be done in many ways, but of course without resorting to violence, says Fiske.

Photo: Geir Olav Slåen / NRK

People on social media have also asked people to turn their backs on Sian, and Muslims have been asked to stay home during the celebration in Hamar.

Set fire to the Quran

Sian has previously announced that they will set the Quran on fire.

The police have reported it if they don’t allow it.

Sian writes in its pages that “if the police illegally interrupt the burning of the Quran, they will burn Quran weekly in the inner police district for the rest of the year.”

Sian’s leader Lars Thorsen has told NRK that they will only tell the audience about Islam in Norway during the celebration. Denies that they want to sow hatred.

Sian hamar

EQUIPPED – Sian leader Lars Thorsen riding Østre torg just before the mark. Sian has Norwegian flags and a sign that says “Preserve Norway for free.”

Photo: Mats Sparby / Mats Sparby

Sian holds celebrations in various parts of the country at irregular intervals.

In several cities, Sian’s anti-Islamic markings have sparked riots. In Bergen, it ended the violence of counter-protesters, a bleeding Sian leader and a siege of the police station.
