– Shit in SIAN, and stay home! – VG


CALL CLEAR: Abid Raja begs protesters to boycott and stay home. – By going there to show your disgust, you make SIAN more important. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB scanpix

Culture and Gender Equality Minister Abid Raja (V) believes that the anti-racist movement will be detrimental to immigrants if they go too far in their protests against SIAN.

A large turnout is expected when the anti-Islamic organization SIAN organizes a “Krenkefest” in Oslo today outside the Storting.

Last weekend they had a celebration in Bergen. This led to violent counter-demonstrations, stone-throwing, tear gas and attacks on SIAN leader Lars Thorsen.

Abid Raja has no doubt that “rape party” is a slogan intended to sharpen the conflict. Call on protesters to boycott and stay home:

– Shit on SIAN and stay home! By going there to show your dislike, you make SIAN more important. Not leaving, SIAN strips naked, he tells VG.

Oslo Rødt is among those organizing counter-demonstrations. For NTB, leader Siavash Mobasheri says they help ensure safe and peaceful demonstrations.

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Minister of Justice on SIAN marking: – We do not want violence

– The whole nation is following it enthusiastically, my ultimatum to anti-racists is that this is a test if they can do it.

In the wake of the chaos in Bergen last weekend, Raja is frustrated by the anti-racist movement and believes that, paradoxically, it is helping to destroy people with an immigrant background.

– It frustrates me that they do not understand when they stand there and bring a crowd over which they have no control, it will mean that we are the ones who are brown and the Muslims who lose. He adds that white anti-racists are merging with the population after a demonstration, while immigrants remain as symbols of violence.

Raja emphasizes that he himself, like most Norwegians, is anti-racist, but that he is critical of the conduct of some of the anti-racist movements.

BERGEN: Police and protesters during a Sian celebration at Festplassen in Bergen on Saturday. Photo: E vivos Senneset

– But if you go there, behave like a human being. I beg you to stay calm, as soon as one of you attacks, throws an egg or comes with a punch in the air, you screw up your own case. So you’ve lost the whole debate.

– If there is someone today, Muslim or not, who lets the cup overflow during the demonstration, it will be devastating for the minority population.

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We cannot fight the fear of Islam with violence

– The police are very well prepared.

Oslo Police Chief of Staff Harald Nilssen encourages people to stay within the “rules of democracy” during today’s celebration, when VG asks if the police will also encourage people to stay home .

– Freedom of expression is there and use it, but do it within the rules. In addition, there is a caveat with the pandemic that people must be aware of, that infection control rules and recommendations that apply are taken into account.

– How prepared are the Oslo police during today’s marking?

– The police are very well prepared today. We have known about the demonstration for some time and we took the measures to take, we had a dialogue and we planned what we are going to do, says Nilssen.

The Chief of Staff says they expect the marking to be governed by the laws and regulations that apply, and emphasizes that they are well prepared if there are any unwanted incidents. They pose with uniformed police officers and civilians during the selection.

Burning of the Koran in Malmö

Violent riots broke out in Malmö on Saturday night and, according to police, the reason was that the Koran had been burned earlier that day. When asked if the police will intervene if something similar happens in Oslo, Nilssen replies:

– Burning the Koran, or the Bible for that matter, are legal statements and then the police cannot intervene. It is freedom of expression that allows this, something that the police cannot limit. We are on the wrong track if we are to start with censorship.

– Where do the police set the limit on when they must enter?

– The marking must respect the law and order and safety is covered by legal statements. If this breaks down, we must intervene. We will do this in two ways: Either we intervene on the ground or the incidents will be processed later if the situation better suits them, says Nilssen.

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Bergen police criticize politicians – defend the use of tear gas

Bergen police experienced prior to Saturday’s demonstration that several local politicians were under the impression that it is the police who may reject SIAN’s request for a selection because the leader previously has a criminal conviction. They were clear that their role is to facilitate a peaceful demonstration, something that Raja is behind:

– Police should also protect that racists and Muslim haters can come with their guts, if they say or do something criminal, it is something that the police will hunt down in hindsight.

– I do not know of any police officer who agrees with SIAN’s message. The police are there to fulfill Voltaire’s words: “I deeply disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it until my death.”

Put this on?

Fixed: VG wrote for the first time that the Rødt party is in the lead in organizing counter-demonstrations. The correct thing is that Oslo Rødt is one of several. This was modified on August 29, 2020 at 12:15 PM.

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