Several schools warn against man with candy on the way to school


At least three schools in the Nordstrand district have sent messages to parents about a man who allegedly offered candy to children on the way to school.

The man is said to have said he had candy in a nearby car. Writes the local newspaper Nordstrands Blad.

– We are aware of an incident and have chosen to create a review.

Fredrik Eikeseth tells the newspaper. He is the head of the crime prevention section at the Manglerud police station.

Eikeseth confirms that there has been an incident at Nordstrand. This is now reviewed.

As far as Aftenposten knows, at least three schools in the area in question must have notified parents of this. The man is said to have been observed at Kastellet and Holtet.

Eikeseth does not want to go into more detail. He still says that we are talking about very young children.

– An investigation is now underway to determine exactly what happened, says Eikeseth.

According to the local newspaper, the school provided information at the request of the parents of the students involved. This is to warn others.
