Several municipalities are tightening up, introducing mandatory bandages throughout Hallingdal


Recently, home townships such as Hemsedal, Ringsaker, and Hol have hardened their coronary measures as a result of the recent development of an infection.

In Hol Township, the rule that ten guests can meet up to twice during Christmas has now been changed, as dictated by national rules.

The new number at Hol is now five guests.

– Works intensely

The municipality registered nine new cases this weekend, and Mayor Petter Rukke (Labor Party) tells TV 2 that one thing in particular complicates the situation:

– We have an unknown source of contagion, and we have taken more than 130 samples this weekend, and with so many people present in our municipality, this was necessary, he tells TV 2.

This weekend, Hol introduced several other measures, such as school closures, red levels in kindergartens, and tighter visitor control at health institutions. This will be the case until January 3.

– Is it an uncontrolled outbreak?

– The infection monitoring group has been working intensively all weekend, and we feel that we are on the right track, but we have not yet managed to get a one hundred percent complete description of the source of infection, says the mayor.

More to follow

On Monday, the Hallingdølen daily writes that all municipalities in the region have chosen to introduce mouth-dressing requirements where it is not possible to meet the meter, also in municipalities such as Nesbyen, where no infections have been reported today.

– There is a lot of traffic in Hallingdal at Christmas and the population increases from 3,200 to 15,000. People go to buy food and things like that, and when it gets so crowded, we dare not do anything but introduce mouth bandage requirements where it is not possible to keep the meter, says Mayor Tore Haraldset (Bygdelista) to TV 2.

HIGHER TRAFFIC: Mayor Tore Haraldset (Bygdelista) in Nesbyen Township says the population there multiplies at Christmas.

TRAFFIC INCREASED: Mayor Tore Haraldset (Bygdelista) of Nesbyen Township says the population there multiplies at Christmas. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

The municipality, which has around 4,000 cabins, is not considering other measures at the moment.

– Part of the reason for this is that one should have the same rules and measures in the region. This is difficult to follow if the rules are not the same, but of course it also affects the latest situation in Hol, says the mayor.

Hemsedal was the municipality in the region that first introduced the mandibular bandage last week. This weekend, Hol, Gol and Ål followed, while Nesbyen and Flå decided this on Monday, Hallingdølen writes.

Herbrand Jegleim (Sp), Mayor of Gol, tells TV 2 that they have no plans to make further adjustments at the moment.

– We follow national standards and do not see the need for stricter measures as is the situation now, he says.

The mouthpiece requirement at Gol goes into effect Tuesday night.

Hemsedal Mayor Pål Rørby (Sp) says that he considers his infection situation to be less serious than Hol’s and that they are not considering further measures at this time.

– We are well prepared in the event of a new infection in the municipality, but if we have an outbreak, we must intervene with stricter measures.

Think permanent residents will notice you better

Hanne Alstrup Velure, who heads the Utmark Townships Association, believes that the dressing requirements will be felt more by those who live in the cottage townships as usual than by those who come to visit.

– Cabin owners are used to wearing a mask, while those of us in the mountains do not have as much experience with this. The nozzles are not so well built in, but it affects you, so this rule is eventually incorporated, he tells TV 2.

DIFFERENCE: Hanne Alstrup Velure of the Utmark Municipal Association believes that permanent residents in rural municipalities will notice the dressing requirements more than rural home owners who come from cities that have more experience with corona infection.

DIFFERENCE: Hanne Alstrup Velure from the Utmark Municipal Association believes that permanent residents in rural municipalities will notice the dressing requirements more than rural homeowners who come from cities that have more experience with corona infection. Photo: Ole Berg Rusten

She believes that Norwegian society is not fully compensated for by the way Norwegians live, meaning that a large proportion of the population stays both at home and in the country house.

– Some hut municipalities have four or five times more huts than permanent houses, and if entire families are affected, the infection pressure can be high.

She says she understands that several municipalities, including those without pressure for continued infection, are introducing, for example, bandage measures:

– The mayors with whom I have spoken have said that they do it to be careful. Although the need to wear a mask doesn’t seem that great in underpopulated municipalities and where people don’t live that close together, there can be much greater pressure on stores and all other service shops around Christmas and into New Years, he says. Velure.

– Extra service

Municipalities outside of Hallingdal have also recently chosen to take action, with Ringsaker Mayor Anita Ihle Steen (Labor Party) reporting that they have tightened where they can at this time.

– We are on a small wave and there have been many cases over the weekend. Now they are hard at work tracking infections, he tells TV 2.

He estimates that there are around 7,200 cabins in the municipality.

– The entire Hamar region is on a general wave of infection now, and we must be more vigilant, it continues.

At Ringsaker, homeschooling was introduced on Monday and Tuesday of this week, as a result of the recent infection. In addition, a number of other local measures have been taken, such as store and event restrictions.

“We have closed most of the things and adjusted what we consider necessary,” Steen tells TV 2.

On Monday, the municipality has crisis personnel, where a new evaluation will be carried out. According to the HA newspaper, 12 employees of nursing homes have been confirmed infected, in addition to several students and teachers.

– Are there more or fewer people visiting the municipality this Christmas compared to normal?

– There are probably at least no less, and many have chosen to use the cabin to get away from the central areas throughout the fall. This probably applies especially to many of those who live near Oslo. It will not surprise me that the more than 7,200 cabins in the municipality are well used now.
