Several isolated key people – VG


ON THE WAY: President Donald Trump at the Andrews base outside Washington, where the presidential plane will take him to the Florida election. Photo: Evan Vucci, AP / NTB

On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump held his first voter rally since the infection. Several of the key people on your team will still be isolated.

When Trump called his first election rally after testing positive for the coronavirus, several of his closest advisers will likely have to stay home in isolation.

According to an update from Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, on October 10, Trump meets the criteria for ending isolation.

– It is no longer contagious, wrote the doctor.

Late Monday night, the White House confirmed that Donald Trump tested negative for coronavirus. The negative answers of the rapid tests must be given in the “after” days. It’s not just rapid tests that have been used to determine the president’s negative test result, he says the declaration, as shared by press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Twitter.

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The doctor writes that repeated negative antibody tests are viewed in the context of other clinical laboratory data, including the amount of virus, indicating a lack of viral replication.

Eleven days have passed since Trump began to have symptoms and tested positive.

– The contagious period is calculated from two days before symptoms appear and generally up to eight to ten days after the onset of symptoms, where the most contagious phase is around the onset of symptoms, emphasizes Siri Laura Feruglio of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in general.

You can read all the official updates on the course of Trump’s illness in the image gallery below:

The US CDC, which can be compared to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, believes that there must be three requirements for a person with a detected virus to be around other people. Must be:

  • Ten days ago the symptoms appeared.
  • 24 hours without fever, without abdominal antipyretic medication.
  • In addition, the person must be in clinical improvement, that is, they are about to recover from other symptoms.

People who have tested positive but have no symptoms can end isolation after 10 days.

VG has mapped the outbreak in the White House: at least 25 tested positive

Key people with proven infection

From night to Tuesday Norwegian time, President Trump will hold a voter meeting in Sanford, Florida. The state is among the important tilted states that can be decisive during presidential elections. But several key people around him have also been infected with the coronavirus, and some have yet to stay home. Here is an overview:

Hope Hicks (counselor), tested positive on October 1:
Hicks’s positive test was the first to be published. On September 30, you will first have symptoms of the coronavirus, that is, more than ten days ago. If you’ve been fever-free for more than 24 hours and other symptoms are on the way to recovery, you may have ended your isolation according to the CDC recommendations. Hicks is among Trump’s closest advisers.

Bill Stepien (campaign manager), tested positive on October 2:
It is unclear when and if Stepien first developed symptoms. If you have been asymptomatic, you will only be able to end the isolation after October 12. Stepien has served as Trump’s campaign manager since July of this year.

Kayleigh McEnany (Press Secretary), tested positive on October 5:
If you have not had symptoms, you can only end isolation after October 15. McEnany is the White House press secretary.

Stephen Miller (advisor), tested positive on October 6:
If you have not had symptoms, you can only end isolation after October 16. Miller writes speeches for Trump.

Chris Christie (advisor), tested positive on October 3:
Christie was admitted to the hospital on October 4 as a precaution. On October 10, he was discharged. If you haven’t had symptoms, you may be coming out of isolation after October 13. Christie is a former governor of New Jersey. He is now an adviser to Trump and was among those who prepared the president for a debate against Joe Biden.

Nicholas Luna (assistant), tested positive on October 3:
If you have not had symptoms, you can only end the isolation after October 13. Luna works as Trump’s personal assistant in the White House.

The deputy press secretaries Chad Gilmartin, Karoline Leavitt and Jalen Drummond Y Harrison Fields has tested positive between October 3 and 8. If they have been asymptomatic, they can end their isolation between October 14 and 19.

Several of those infected were present at an event at the White House, which is now known as a mass infection event: See the VG special here.

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Complicated method

To determine if a person is still contagious, several samples must be taken from the patient during the course of the disease and then a culture of the virus must be performed in a suitable laboratory, Feruglioi informs FHI in an email.

– Then you can see how the virus finally can no longer make new copies and is therefore no longer contagious, he writes.

Feruglioi emphasizes that it is a complicated method that only a few laboratories perform.

– The established criteria for how long patients with covid19 are contagious are based on studies in which this has been done systematically, says Feruglioi.

In addition to the purely laboratory method, some larger studies have also mapped infectivity based on epidemiological studies (population studies) where laboratory data has been found to fit well with what can be observed in the observed groups.

During a speech in Ohio early Monday, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden took a hard line against Trump’s handling of the coronavirus both as president and personally.

– His ruthless behavior has been unimaginable.

Despite the fact that several key people around the president are isolated, the election campaign will continue until Tuesday night when Trump meets with voters in Florida.

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