Several cities announce Oslo measures in the fight against the crown – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio


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On Tuesday, presidential politicians in Drammen were called to a special meeting to take a position on the infection control orders.

Mayor Monica Myrvold Berg says a court order will be entered, but it is too early to say what measures are relevant.

The Drammen councilor has proposed introducing measures that are essentially the same as those introduced in Oslo.

If the proposals are approved, they will go into effect on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

John David Johannessen, Drammen Municipal Chief Physician

Drammen Municipal Chief Physician John David Johannessen.

Photo: Azad Razaei / NRK

– It is politicians who must decide which measures are relevant. That is always the case in a local democracy. When the infection situation is the way it is, you should have ongoing evaluations and constant new considerations to take, says Drammen municipal chief physician John David Johannessen.

– From the county governor, the Norwegian Health Directorate and the NIPH, it is recommended that all municipalities around Oslo consider the Oslo package of measures. So that’s the evaluation that we are doing now. When the infection increases as it does, we reconsider measures, says Johannessen.

Crisis meeting in Trondheim

Also in Trondheim, there was a crisis meeting in the municipality today. There it has been announced that a press conference will be held on Wednesday morning.

After the meeting, City Director Morten Wolden said that, first and foremost, they will reinforce internal routines, including in institutions and at meetings and travel activities.

The municipal management is also concerned about the infection of foreign workers, despite the fact that up to 80 percent of foreign aircraft are tested in Værnes.

Morten Wolden, City Manager, Trondheim

Morten Wolden is Trondheim City Manager.

Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / NRK

– There are no other airports that have such a high number, but there is still a certain risk that someone will miss it. And then not all foreigners come by direct flight, some come through Oslo, Wolden tells NRK.

– That is the great concern of the municipal chief now. How do we manage to limit the infection from abroad to Norway? It is not a Trondheim problem alone, it is a national problem. So we’ll take this to the Kansas metropolis to see if any national action can be taken, he adds.

Politicians are also discussing what to do with public transportation and a possible bandage order.

New measures in Tromsø

In Tromsø, a press conference was called at 11am. The municipality provided more information on the infection situation, after several new cases of infection in schools, among other places.

Mayor of Tromsø, Gunnar Wilhelmsen.

Mayor of Tromsø, Gunnar Wilhelmsen.

Photo: Fabian Ubeda / NRK

– Now we have reached the point where we have to fine-tune everyone who lives in Tromsø. The infection can be anywhere, Tromsø Mayor Gunnar Wilhelmsen said.

– What we do in the coming weeks will probably have a decisive effect on what the season of Advent and Christmas will be like for all of us. Wash your hands and keep your distance, he added.

Katrine Kristoffersen, the municipal chief physician, says they have known and unknown infections in the Tromsø community. During the last four weeks, half are imported infections, the rest are local. Infection in college and school accounts for 44 percent.

It is mainly in the younger inhabitants that the infection is active, says Kristoffersen. Therefore, encourage people not to have as many close contacts. And he asks both young people and parents to take responsibility.

The infection in Tromsø has increased again in recent weeks and several schools across the municipality have been affected.

Here are the specific measurements:

  • Recommend more home office and home school use
  • Use of bandages in public transport if a distance of one meter is not possible
  • Request a system for the registration of all guests in restaurants, even those that do not serve alcohol.
  • Requirement of a maximum of ten people visiting their own home

Katrine Kristoffersen, municipal chief physician, during Wednesday's press conference.

Tromsø municipal chief physician, Katrine Kristoffersen.

Photo: Marita Andersen / NRK

High numbers in Bergen

Bergen was the first major city with a major outbreak. On September 8, the municipality introduced a series of infection control measures to stop the outbreak.

After three weeks, Bergen removed local infection control measures. The following day, the municipality of Oslo introduced almost exactly the same measure.

The reproduction rate in the Helse Bergen area is now 1.6, which means that one person infected with corona on average spreads the infection to 1.6 people.

– It’s disturbing. If it rises higher, more people can enter the hospital, says director E claim Hansen.
