Several broke quarantine and went to a party – VG


Several people who should have been in quarantine were present at a large nachspiel in Trondheim.


It arises during an extraordinary meeting of the presidency on the second day of Christmas in the municipality of Trondheim, where new measures are discussed.

Another person who was present at the party was diagnosed with coronary heart disease on Friday. This is stated by the director of health and welfare of the municipality, Helge Garåse.

– One had been in an important nachspiel, where several were present in quarantine.

He adds that they are also struggling to find out who was there. This makes tracking infections demanding:

– Some people do not respond when contacted by the infection detection team. They do not contact them and follow up on them. It’s new, he says.

Do you have any advice in the case? Contact VG journalists here.

44 people have been infected in the last 24 hours. Due to reduced capacity, there may be a delay on Christmas Eve.

Based on the VG overview, Trondheim has an increasing tendency for infection.

Most of those infected are close contacts of known cases, but infection markers have failed to establish contact with two of those infected. They are both 50 years old.

Five of those infected have an unknown source of infection. Some of these cases may be linked to party settings in Trondheim, where the municipality struggles to obtain sufficient information.

The municipality asks everyone who has participated in the Christmas market from 17.12 inclusive to 21.12 inclusive to be more aware of their own symptoms and to examine themselves for vague symptoms, as they may have been in contact with the infection.

also read

Trondheim battles party environments – engage the police

On Friday, VG wrote about the situation, where both the city manager and the mayor despair over quarantine-breaking party settings and don’t remember who they ran into when called by infection trackers.

– What our infection trackers have the impression is that it is difficult to make them remember who they have been with and where they have been. They don’t seem to care about the crown, City Manager Morten Wolden told VG.

It involves several dozen people.

Engaged police

The municipality is making contact with the police these days to help. There are two things they want help with:

  • Investigate the possibilities of reviewing people (in addition to imposing fines)
  • What capacity do the police have in the future to monitor private parties?

– When we have seen individuals break quarantine, we will consult with the police about the margin of maneuver in what I perceive as the border between notification and no notification, said Wolden.

Although Covid-19 and influenza have many similar properties, Covid-19 can spread much faster. Here we explain why:
