Several broke infection control rules for the crown when Bodø / Glimt won the Elite Series in soccer – NRK


Around midnight on Monday, crazy fans gathered in Bodø Square to celebrate Bodø / Glimt becoming league champions for the first time a couple of hours earlier.

The police had also come forward to make sure everything went smoothly.

But they let supporters drink alcohol and “break” infection control rules without intervening.

There was no doubt that there was a lot of excitement in Bodø Square last night. It was the singing, the dancing, the cheering, the squeeze and the flare that characterized the Bodø cityscape after the team’s league championship.

Also a Bodø municipal doctor, Tor Claudi is pleased with the way the celebration went.

– We should expect people to celebrate and I think we should have some understanding that it goes a bit against the general rules of infection control, he says.

He also praises the staff at the city’s bars that were open on Sunday nights.

Tor Claudi, specialist in internal medicine.

Tor Claudi is the municipal chief physician for Bodø and is satisfied with the fans’ handling of the gold celebration.

Photo: Erik M. Sundt

– Challenging to celebrate now

For the fans, there was one thing that broke infection control last night, and it was the euphoria after the club in their hearts finally took the gold to northern Norway.

Supporter Jostein Werner Fyhn was in the square yesterday and deemed the celebration safe.

– There is no question that it is a challenge to celebrate Glimt’s first league gold when we are in the situation we are in. Usually we would have seen a lot more people on the streets and a much wilder party, he says.

Police follow Bodø / Glimt fans celebrating the golden victory in the square.

The police had no reason to disrupt the fans’ celebration of the league’s gold.

Photo: Lars Bjørn Martinsen / NRK

Early Monday afternoon, the Bodø / Glimt players arrived in their hometown and were greeted by several thousand people who had gathered along the road between the airport and the town hall.

– From the airport until it was finished in the town hall, we had a good control. I think it was a great celebration, where all the infection control considerations were taken into account, says Claudi.

Don’t think it will lead to increased infection.

– Of course, not everything happens according to the rules. We can’t expect that either. What is very good is that at the moment it seems that the infection situation in Bodø is relatively clear, says Claudi.

He adds that it is important to also include the infection pressure in the population. At the moment, this is low.

Claudi says there are so many who get tested that if someone has symptoms, they get tested almost immediately.

He does not believe that the gold rush causes an increase in infection.

– I think we should be very happy with the behavior of both Bodø / Glimt and the residents of Bodø.

Supporter Fyhn agrees:

– The fans did a good job both on Sunday and Monday celebrating outdoors, where it is easier to keep their distance, agrees Fyhn.
