– Serious abuse – GBV


RESPOND: Mads Hansen believes the See and Hear approach is a violation of press ethics and “downright cruel.” Photo: Fredrik Solstad

See and Hear ran the “So We Both Play” report on Mads Hansen. Now he has complained to the Professional Press Committee (PFU).


This week, See and Hear has the four-page “So We Both Play” report on Mads Hansen.

The report covers, among other things, how Hansen met her fiancé, how her father died, as well as information about her family and a photo of their home. Much has been taken from Hansen’s own book “My Instastory”.

– I think this is downright cruel, Hansen says on Friday’s “Top 3” podcast episode.

Hansen calls Seeing and Hearing “a magazine masterpiece” and reacts to the magazine’s approach.

Hansen tells VG that he has now complained to the Professional Press Committee (PFU).

– I think it’s a serious violation. At least ethically, and possibly also legally, he says.

Read the answer See and hear below in the case.

In addition to being the host of Farmen on TV 2, Mads Hansen is also associated with VG through the VGTV show “Spårtsklubben”.

– uncomfortable

VG has had access to the complaint. The average treatment time is three to four months.

What Hansen reacts to the most is that See and Hear has come to his house and taken a picture of his house, without him noticing.

– I have chosen a secret address because it is uncomfortable for me, but especially my family and I don’t want others to know where we live. Therefore, I have declined all requests for photos and do not want any reports at my home.

THE COMPLAINT: Mads Hansen reacts more to the fact that Se og Hør has gone to his house and has taken a picture of his house without him noticing. Photo: Fredrik Solstad

The report concludes by saying that “Mads did not want to comment on the case.” Hansen temporarily believes that he has not been given the opportunity to comment on the case and that this is the largest violation of press ethics.

– They never asked me. I have been contacted on two requests this summer and fall, but I refused to ask. And that’s not the same as being asked to comment on the case that’s now in print, he says.

Hansen also believes that he was misquoted from “Kåss til kvelds”.

– “Tonight in Kåss, the 36-year-old says he spends an average of eight hours every day posting and commenting on social media.” This is not true. I said it had an average screen time of eight hours. There is a significant difference, he says.

He emphasizes that it is the photo of his house, and that he has not been contacted in relation to the case, he is the one who reacts the most.

Waiting for consequences

Hansen has no problem writing about the things he does and says in public and therefore understands that they are quoted from his book.

– All the time I’ve written it in my book, they probably have every right to publish it, but it’s downright disgusting. And I know I’m not alone, he says.

Hansen believes the case violates the following points from Vær varsom’s poster: 3.3, 3.7, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.12

– I hope this has consequences for Seeing and hearing, he says.

also read

Mads Hansen: – Just because someone gets angry doesn’t automatically mean it’s racism

This is what See and Hear says

VG has contacted See and Hear, who has the following comment:

– Mads Hansen seeks out the public all the time and therefore should expect to be exposed in the media. He also uses the media actively to expose and promote both professional and personal relationships. Then you probably need to have an additional interest, says editor-in-chief Ulf André Andersen.

– We have tried to contact Hansen, also through the TV2 information department both in writing and orally. Beyond that, we have no comment and are awaiting treatment at PFU.

also read

Mads Hansen on publishing his own book: – I discussed it with TV 2 beforehand

Hansen, for his part, believes this is not true.

– That is a lie. Through TV 2, I was asked if I would like to appear in a report, and I declined. I have never been contacted regarding this case, much less presented what it contains.

What does your family think of the report?

– My roommate thinks it was really gross. There is a reason I have walked away from all that. I always say no, because the house should be my home, it is my private sphere where I am with my family. So the argument that I seek the public does not hold up.
