Selection will have more power cords for Europe – E24


The Climate Change Committee will develop more renewable energy in Norway to ensure enough energy for ecological change and will build more foreign cables to increase export earnings.

Illustration image of the Skagerrak 4 power cable run between Norway and Denmark.



The Climate Change Committee was appointed in December by WWF, Civita and the Norwegian Climate Foundation.

On Thursday they presented their report, in which, among other things, they advocate the delivery of fewer licenses to the oil business.

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The wide range of politicians, economists and researchers offers even more advice that is suitable for generating debate.

  • They think Norway should build more foreign cables
  • Also, they want further development of renewable energy in Norway.

The committee believes that the cables are necessary to increase energy security, increase export earnings and reassure investors that Norway is closely integrated into the European electricity market.

This is contrary to the views of various political parties, industrial players like Norsk Hydro, and parts of the union movement. They fear cables will drive higher electricity prices and hurt competitiveness.

The planned Northconnect power cable has been discontinued until experience has been gained with the new cables to Germany and the UK.

Kristin Halvorsen has served as chair of the Climate Change Committee.

Kjetil Malkenes Hovland, E24

You think Norway needs more electricity

“Norway should facilitate an environmentally and socially sustainable increase in renewable energy production,” writes the Committee on Climate Change.

It will strengthen the green, export-oriented industry, attract energy-intensive industry to Norway and contribute to Europe’s need for low-emission energy, they say.

As there are limited opportunities for new and large hydropower projects in Norway, this will mainly mean more wind power. Onshore wind projects have met with a lot of resistance lately, including from the Motvind organization.

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Will link Norway more closely with Europe

Former Conservative Minister Vidar Helgesen has chaired the Climate Change Committee alongside Cicero’s boss and SV’s former Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen.

– We do not hide that we need energy for industrial development in Norway, and we should develop more renewable energy for that too, Helgesen tells E24.

He believes that being well integrated with the European energy market will be a competitive advantage for Norway and can help attract investment to Norway.

– If you live in California and you are going to establish a data center, then there are many things that speak for Norway: good access to power, political stability and good framework conditions. But if there is any doubt that we are well integrated with the European energy market, there will be a negative side, he says.

– I see foreign cables and integration with Europe in an energy context as a very important factor in attracting green investments to Norway, Helgesen adds.

Committee member Ada Johanna Arnstad (Sp) disagrees on power cables. You are concerned about higher energy prices and industry competitiveness and you want to wait with new cables.

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Want more renewable energy

The Committee on Climate Change believes that significant change is required for global emissions to drop to zero by 2050. Norway will need more power to achieve climate goals, says Kristin Halvorsen.

– We are very clear that we want more renewable energy to be produced in Norway, Halvorsen tells E24.

– We believe that because we have such valuable renewable hydroelectric power, we can find ourselves in the position of exporting energy when prices are high and importing energy when prices are low. And at the same time, we need more power ourselves to manage the ambitions we have for electrification, says Halvorsen.

She emphasizes that the committee also proposes a natural resource account and will ensure that onshore wind power gives something to local communities, takes biodiversity into account and has good local roots.

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– Requires clear political leadership

Halvorsen believes that clear leadership is needed so that Norway can take all necessary measures to implement climate change.

– It requires a very clear political leadership. This is not something that we can turn around a bit and have as one of the 48 key points. It’s a blanket fit for the entire Norwegian economy, so the political signals need to be very clear, he says.

– It’s a huge job we’re going through. There must be a change of pace in climate change, he adds.

Vidar Helgesen agrees with Halvorsen on what is needed to ensure that the public understands the great change Norway will go through.

– An increasingly clear political direction, he says.

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– Demanding debate

Another member of the committee is the representative of the Storting, Stefan Heggelund (H). It also supports more foreign cables and more renewable energy produced in Norway.

– This with cables is a demanding debate. But if we want to become a less oil-dependent nation, then we must further develop the industries in which we have an advantage, such as renewable energy, Heggelund told E24.

– Good for the Norwegian economy and jobs. Norway has about half of Europe’s regulated energy through hydroelectric power. It’s a huge advantage that makes the energy exchange financially sound for Norway as well, he says.

He emphasizes that the debate on wind power and electric cables is complicated and expresses understanding for the opposition to the invasion of nature.

– Part of the debate on wind energy is about people being happy by their nature and afraid of losing it. It is not pleasant for people to react. Therefore, we will process the government wind energy report this fall to clean up the licensing system. The government proposes a historic tightening of these regulations, he says.

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