Scored four (!) Against Hertha – VG


(Hertha Berlin 2-5 Borussia Dortmund) It was a memorable Saturday for Erling Braut Haaland: in the morning he was named the best young player in Europe, and in the evening he scored FOUR goals against Rune Almenning Jarstein & co.

On Saturday morning the news came that Erling Braut Haaland had become the first Norwegian to win the generous European “Golden Boy” award, which is awarded to the best young player in Europe.

– It was a nice message to receive, there was free motivation towards the game. I had to demonstrate a bit today, and I felt like I did, Haaland tells V Sport.

And even though the Norwegian “golden boy” burned a couple of chances first, he really deserved the generous award after the break.

Jærbuen slipped free into the box a minute after kickoff, and by the time the Hertha Berlin defense realized where the 20-year-old had done, it was too late. Dortmund goal number 28 for Erling Braut Haaland.

Haaland himself was very happy after this Saturday:

And it wasn’t long before he was able to cheer on 29.

Julian Brandt found the silky foot and rolled the ball perfectly into the back room for Haaland, who could characteristically “trick” the ball behind Alexander Schwolow in the Hertha cage.

After 62 minutes, the Norwegian was alone again after a defensive error. This time, the 20-year-old Norwegian wanted to score with a bit more finesse, rounded off the goalkeeper and put his second hat trick on Borussia Dortmund’s kit.

FOUR: Erling Braut Haaland showed three fingers after landing another hat trick, but a few minutes later he fixed his first four-goal match since the Mold era. Photo: ANNEGRET HILSE / POOL

… and you don’t think the Norwegian had own A goal unto itself in the German autumn air? Ten minutes before the end, he was played by British “wonder boy” Jude Bellingham, and called his fourth In the net.

It is the first time Haaland has scored four goals in a match since he did so with Molde against Brann in 2018.

31 goals in 30 games for Borussia Dortmund. An insane achievement from the 20-year-old Norwegian.

– I liked the goals. They were good goals so I’m happy, says Haaland, who also reveals that Dortmund manager Lucien Favre hadn’t realized how many goals he had scored.

– He asked me if I had scored three, says the 20-year-old.

On the television broadcast, it could be clearly seen that the Dortmund manager was surprised that the best young player in Europe had not only scored three, but four.


Despite the Norwegian authorities

But if the Norwegian health authorities should have decided, Haaland would not play Saturday’s game due to the infection of the national team. Haaland’s ten-day quarantine in Norway doesn’t end until Monday. Dortmund cares little about this, as Haaland has tested negative four times since returning from Norway.

“German law applies on German soil”, Borussia Dortmund beat earlier this week and put the Norwegian in the starting lineup.

– Players have no reason to break the rules and should not do so, but the competence of the Norwegian authorities and the scope of Norwegian regulations stop when players leave the country, soccer manager Lise Klaveness tells NTB.

In Germany, the only requirement to be ready to play is two negative crown tests in a row. He handed over Haaland and Hertha Berlin’s second goalkeeper, Rune Almenning Jarstein, before Saturday’s game. Alexander Sørloth was also set to play in RB Leipzig’s Frankfurt match on Saturday night.

– Any game in the quarantine period, we from the Norwegian side will be perceived as a violation of the quarantine and non-compliance with the conditions given for the exit, Oslo municipal doctor Tore W. Steen told Dagbladet, while lawyer John -Christian Elden stated that Haaland & co. he would risk fines for playing Saturday’s game.

But aside from the quarantine, the fines and the crown, when the match began at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin on Saturday night, Erling Braut Haaland was on fire.

HISTORICAL CHANGE: When Haaland first played the field, the youngest player in the Bundesliga entered. Youssoufa Moukoko turned 16 on Friday. At the same time, coach Favre informed him that he had actually made four. Photograph: ANNEGRET HILSE / X06848

Suit change with Jarstein

Before Haaland started his goal show on Saturday night, Matheus Cunha was the most impressive at the Olympic Stadium.

The Brazilian thundered Hertha Berlin in the lead with a race from 25 meters after half an hour. He also scored a penalty just over 10 minutes before the end.

Portuguese Raphael Guerreiro made it 4-1 for Dortmund.

NB! Rune Almenning Jarstein sits on the bench for Hertha Berlin. The two Norwegians had to change suits after the match.

PS2! Youssoufa Moukoko, who was replaced by Erling Braut Haaland five minutes before the end, is the youngest player in the Bundesliga (16 years and one day).

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