School friends of visiting children: – All private social contact is included in the ten


The case is being updated.

The municipality of Trondheim has decided that residents of the municipality should only have social contact with ten people for a week, to limit coronary heart disease in the city. But how do you define “social contact”? And who is included in the ten that you can meet this week?

Adresseavisen asked some questions to the director of health and wellness Helge Garåsen in the municipality of Trondheim.

– Use common sense

– How to define “social contact”?

– It is difficult to define all kinds of situations. But common sense is allowed in evaluations. But all the people you are in contact with on the inside are considered social contacts.

– What if you meet someone for a walk outside?

– If you go a long distance, there is no social contact. But if you have close contact outdoors, you should count it among ten people, says Garåsen.

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– Many families with children wonder if children’s contact with friends from the same cohort in kindergarten or school is among the ten they can have contact with during the week. Is it included if children play or have children from the same cohort home visit?

– All private social contacts count. What happens at school or work doesn’t count, says Garåsen.

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– Try to limit

The National Institute of Public Health writes that they recommend that everyone limit the number of social contacts in private contexts, at events, and in the workplace, school or place of study. If you have contact with many, you increase the risk of being infected by people who do not know they are infected. The municipality of Trondheim has adopted stricter regulations based on the large increase in infection in the city in recent weeks.

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– Should it be the same ten people you meet every week?

– There is no rule that says they should be the same ten every week. You can start over in a new week.

However, Garåsen will emphasize:

– The essence here is to try to limit the number of contacts and keep your distance, instead of finding exceptions. We see that these small meetings with five friends also risk it. The goal is to limit contact and thus the spread of the infection, he says.

Earlier Monday, Garåsen said that traces of infection now see a trend for people to have been infected by the coronavirus in small social groups, where five or six people have gathered.

READ MORE: Corona infected person has met people and refuses to provide close contacts: – We are considering reporting the person.
