Scammers claim to be from the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority


The scammers say they belong to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority and are asking for money for alleged fees.

– The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority never requests payment information over the phone. This is a cunning form of fraud that plays on employers’ fear of violating laws and regulations. We encourage everyone to end the conversation immediately if they receive such a call, says department director Arve Semb Christophersen of the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority in a press release.

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority was recently contacted by a general manager who was reportedly pressured to provide a card number and code for online banking by phone.

A person claiming to be from the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority must have called the person in question with a series of questions about routines for, among other things, the use of scaffolding, occupational health services and HSE cards. The tone must have been threatening, according to the recipient of the call.

The scammer claimed to have discovered routine faults and violations at the company and therefore reported that the general manager had to pay a violation fee.

– The fraudster used words and formulations that testify to a good knowledge of how the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority is organized and the regulations we administer. The call also came from a Norwegian phone number. This is an advanced form of fraud that is probably easy to bite into. Therefore, we ask everyone to be careful, says Arve Semb Christophersen from the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority.
