Sander (17) fears every time he takes the bus:


As Sander Rognlien Pettersen (17) was heading home on Wednesday night, what had happened so many times before happened.

She had just gone to the movies with her support contact and tried to keep warm in the autumn darkness at the Sandvika bus station.

When the bus arrived at the stop, Sander signaled for the driver to help him down the ramp to the wheelchair. But the bus driver didn’t move from his seat, says Sander. Instead, he referred to infection control and said it is the responsibility of the companion.

– The support contact went to the front of the bus to speak to the driver, but was only told to “read the rules,” says Sander.

The support contact eventually had to deploy the ramp even without the proper tools.

Since the driver did not want to help Sander, he had to get off the bus where the support contact was supposed to leave. Had to drive the last two stops home even in the dark.

This Wednesday at least he got on the bus a few stops.


According to the family, Sander’s bus trips have become a common concern in everyday life.

Ever since the movie deal was finalized Wednesday morning, Sander has felt the familiar jitters in his stomach.

– It happens so often that I go away and panic since morning because I’m afraid of not coming home, says Sander.

Sometimes you have to ask for help. In the worst case, you are left standing at the stop when the bus continues.

– It happened at least once this summer. Then the driver stopped at the door and said he couldn’t help me. It was raining and I had to stand up again, says Sander.

Although the family experiences that it has always been controversial for Sander to travel by bus, it has become significantly more difficult since the crown.

Various complaints

Sander’s mother no longer has an overview of how many times she has complained to Ruter.

– Still, nothing happens. I get sad and angry, and I feel very sorry for him. In addition, we are constantly concerned about whether he will return home, says Janne Rognlien Stensrud.

The fact that bus drivers refer to infection control does not sit well with the mother either.

– They don’t have to be near Sander to go down the ramp, and he always wears a mask too, says his mother.

Sander relies on buses in his spare time, among other things, to meet friends. Now the mother fears that her son will be isolated.

– You have said several times that “I don’t want to take the bus anymore, Mom.” After the incident on Wednesday, he said he was lying on the bed shaking. I wish I could tell you it won’t happen again, but I can’t, says Rognlien Stensrud.

ACTIVE: Sander Stensrud is an active boy, who depends on the bus to get around.  Photo: Private

ACTIVE: Sander Stensrud is an active boy, who depends on the bus to get around. Photo: Private

Legitimate discrimination

Tove Linnea Brandvik, a trade union leader for the Norwegian Association for the Disabled, is desperate at the way disabled people are treated.

– I don’t think it makes any sense. A public service that must be designed for all legitimizes this discrimination. When this has no consequences for those who make the mistake, keep going, says Brandvik.

She says this is something that is often experienced among the disabled.

“Unfortunately, our current society is such that discrimination against the disabled is something that occurs in all possible areas, so it is necessary to change your attitude so that there is a difference,” he says.

Brandvik is often contacted by users who say that bus drivers do not want to install a ramp. The cases have become much more numerous during the crown.

– Like everyone else, we are also concerned that bus drivers are not exposed to infections, but I am afraid this is again an excuse not to delay.

– Routine violation

– Ruter has a great understanding that Sander and his mother react to this. Based on the above, we believe this is a violation of our routines, which will be discussed with the appropriate operator, says press contact Øystein Dahl Johansen.

The press contact says that Ruter’s guidelines for operators through the pandemic clearly describe that the bus driver must remove the ramp so that people in wheelchairs can get on the bus.

APOLOGIES: Øystein Dahl Johansen in Ruter apologizes to the family and promises further action.  Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

SORRY: Øystein Dahl Johansen in Ruter apologizes to the family and promises further action. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Johansen also says that public transportation is at a demanding time and that this means that Ruter cannot provide the same assistance as before.

– Unfortunately, the pandemic also has some consequences for customers in wheelchairs. The reason for this is that we depend on ensuring good infection control for the drivers and crew that public transportation depends on in order to ensure a public transportation service during the pandemic, while customers are also entitled to a good infection control, he says.

Ruter says that bus drivers are therefore unable to help position the wheelchair as they once did and therefore advises users who are dependent on help to have a companion.

Change routines

At the same time, Johansen emphasizes that customers in wheelchairs should not stay at a stop anyway.

– We are in the process of changing the routines of drivers in this area. In the future, the driver should ensure that Ruter is contacted in such cases, so that a taxi can be ordered. Before the bus leaves the stop, the customer in a wheelchair must be informed when alternative transportation arrives, says the press contact.

In addition, Ruter promises to repeat for all operators the guidelines that apply to customers in wheelchairs, and ask them to take an extra round with their drivers.

– Ruter apologizes for that and the experiences they have had. We take these incidents very seriously and work to make sure they don’t happen, says Johansen.

About to give up

After receiving Ruter’s response, Sander’s mother says she thinks it sounds promising.

SKEPTIC: Neither Sander Rognlien Pettersen nor Janne Rognlien Stensrud can settle down with Ruter's promising measures.  Photo: Private

SKEPTIC: Neither Sander Rognlien Pettersen nor Janne Rognlien Stensrud can settle down with Ruter’s promising measures. Photo: Private

– Of course, it would have been great if the regulations were repeated to drivers at the same time that alternative transport is offered. On the other hand, I have been promised long before. So I don’t dare to believe it until I see it, says Janne Rognlien Stensrud.

Sander won’t take the win up front either. He says he has started writing down the numbers of the buses where the drivers do not help him get on.

– I want to continue taking the bus because I depend on it. So I hope they take this with the drivers and say it can’t be like that, he says.

At the same time, he admits that the facts are close to him.

– I’m about to give up.

The Norwegian Association for the Disabled says they have now taken the initiative to collaborate with Ruter to work on changes in attitudes.

– Instead of simply criticizing the bus companies after such incidents, we will now work to prevent discrimination. We think it is very positive that Ruter carries out this project with our help, says the union leader.
