Samah, Tesfai and Khalil win an award for their workplace – NRK Vestland


The Diversity Award is the state’s award for “the frontal use of competition by immigrants in working life.”

Among the 22 winners this year, find a Kiwi Knowledge House in Sæ on Stord. They received the award on Friday.

– I love my job, says Khalil Shekho.

He started working at the store three years ago. The first half of the year was in practice through Nav.

– I have learned a lot about the language, independence and working life in Norway, he says.

Shekho is Kurdish and comes from Syria. You like the conditions in the Norwegian workplace.

– The good thing is that here you work more with the boss. We are all more equal at work. Sometimes my co-workers correct my language and teach me more. That’s great, he says.

I wish there were more

The jury’s basic statement states that Kiwi Kunnskapshuset wins because “it is an important integration player where many get to work quickly and have a chance.”

It is emphasized that they also provide good language training for employees.

– There were many good candidates, but I was hoping there would be many more, says Marit Warncke, CEO of the Bergen Business Council.

He hired the jury for the Diversity Award in Western Norway. She is a record that sages can have backgrounds from all cultures.

Warncke believes that multiculturalism should be elevated and advanced in working life in the same way that it has been done with women.

– One of the ways to do this is to adapt to more role models. I know next to nothing about the best tenants with multicultural backgrounds in Bergen’s business community, Warncke says.

Marit warncke

ROLE MODELS: Marit Warncke, executive director of the Bergen Business Council, wants more multicultural leaders in the business community.

Satisfied with the staff

The winners, members of the regional juries and representatives of the Integration and Diversity Directorate (IMDi) were present during the digital award ceremony.

– It’s very good, says store manager Cecilie Meling at the Kiwi store in Stord.

Tell them that at most they have had eight employees with an immigrant background. Now is the third day. Everyone has a steady job.

– They have a unique work ethic that you have to search for a long time to find something similar. They always show up and are always positive and cheerful, says Meling.

Sometimes a language problem can come up, but she looks forward to it.

– They are good at helping each other with language if there is something they don’t understand. Our clients get a lot of help, including those who come from abroad, says Meling.
