Rudy Giuliani: unexpected return after 28 years


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): In the lawsuit, Trump tries to stop the certification of the results of the elections in Pennsylvania, where Biden has received about 70,000 more votes than Trump.

Although Biden has long been declared the winner, Trump still refuses to admit defeat.

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Giuliani resigned Tuesday after two attorneys for Trump’s re-election campaign withdrew from the case last week.

It also comes after a federal judge rejected a request by a Trump attorney to postpone Tuesday’s hearing, writes CNBC. According to the plan, the hearing will start at 1.30 pm local time – 7.30 pm Norwegian time.

Giuliani, a former New York mayor and state attorney, does not have a valid license to practice law in Pennsylvania, so he relies on a judge’s permission to stand trial.

However, after the election, he has been tasked with leading the Trump campaign’s national legal strategy, which involves going to court in crucial states with allegations of voter fraud.

Trump's last oil

Trump’s last oil

First since 1992

According to Pacer, Giuliani has not been in federal court since 1992.

Giuliani held a famous press conference in Philadelphia on the same day that Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election. Dagbladet was present when Giuliani met with the press outside the landscaped Four Seasons Total Landscaping in an industrial zone with a sex shop and crematorium as closest neighbors. Trump himself originally tweeted that the press conference would be held at the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Philadelphia.

At the press conference, Giuliani reiterated the accusations of electoral fraud and irregularities. However, it did not provide documentation in this regard.

So far, Trump’s many demands have been unsuccessful. Experts still believe that it is highly unlikely that any of this could change the outcome of the elections.

GIVE INTERVIEW: Barack Obama has given CBS a post-election interview and is tough on Donald Trump. Video: CBS via YouTube
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Don’t threaten

Even one of the other attorneys in the lawsuit Giuliani is now seeking to be a part of has had little faith in victory.

– Ultimately, in my opinion, this legal procedure will not work. It will not reverse this choice, attorney Marc A. Scaringi told iHeartRadio on Nov. 7, according to the Washington Post.

Now he himself plays a key role in the case, along with Giuliani.

- Are not welcome

– Are not welcome

Late last week, two attorneys withdrew from the Pennsylvania lawsuits and on Monday, Scaringi was hired to replace them.

In recent weeks, more and more attorneys have withdrawn from representing the Trump campaign in trials in many states. Critics say these lawsuits only make baseless allegations of voter fraud.
