Ropstad prayer to volunteers


– I’m worried. We must avoid further inactivity, isolation and loneliness among children and young people, Children and Families Minister Kjell Ingolf Ropstad tells Dagbladet.

VOLUNTEERS: KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad asks volunteers to maintain the activity for children and young people, as much as possible. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB
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On Friday, the KrF leader spoke to the party’s national board and claimed that the stricter measures limit the freedom of adults, but ensure that children can live as normal a life as possible.

At the same time, there are stops in joint exercises for the body and handball and futsal in some parts of the country are prohibited from fighting. Other activities for children and young people are also significantly reduced.

Encourage activity

-I understand that many municipalities and voluntary organizations are in a difficult situation, but I hope that everyone will continue to do what they can to ensure a good offer for children and young people, says Ropstad.

He is particularly concerned about children and youth who have a limited social network beyond their immediate family.

– When so many things are closed, it is even more important that there are activities for children led by safe adults they know from before. We should be less together, but it is possible to keep many activities going, he says.

Norway's strictest measures

Norway’s strictest measures

Too strict “

When asked directly by Dagbladet if he is concerned that many municipalities, clubs and organizations are introducing stricter rules than they should, Ropstad answers yes.

City Councilor Raymond Johansen pushed hard in Oslo on Friday. Here he answers questions from the press conference.
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– Yes, I must say. At the same time, the situation is now very serious. We are in danger of losing control and we may have to shut down even more.

The KrF leader says that the most important thing for the government and health authorities is to guarantee life and health. But the offer to children and young people has the first priority, ahead of work and business life.

– We know more now than in March. Children under the age of 13 play a minor role in spreading the infection, and the strictest measures should be avoided where possible, says Ropstad.

Towards the closing of the school: - Disco boom

Towards the closing of the school: – Disco boom

Help measures

In an interview with NTB early Friday morning, Ropstad made a similar appeal to municipalities. Ask that children and young people still have access to a health nurse to go to.

Many municipalities are currently experiencing significant infection outbreaks and intensive infection detection work. The transfer of health nurses here is a measure that several are considering. But it doesn’t have to be a health nurse who performs these tasks, according to Ropstad.

– Let them be where they are, he says.

The KrF leader promises that additional municipal expenses for corona handling will be compensated.

– This means that they can employ more people to detect infections and substitutes in the school, while maintaining other important services.
