Romerikes Blad – Solberg Christmas Warning: – We risk stronger closings in January


– Suddenly we can have stronger closings in January and February, with the current situation. Or we can achieve the gradual softening that we hope it will be, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) tells NTB.

– We can have a third wave, as a consequence of people thinking: “Now it is not so dangerous, because there are not so many elderly people who get sick”. That may be true, but there are still many others who can get seriously ill from it, he says.

Christmas party worries

The Prime Minister has traveled to Bergen to celebrate Christmas.

With her in her hometown, she has one big concern: that Norwegians are now shrugging too much.

– We followed the advice of the health authorities when we opened that there could be more guests twice at Christmas. But I’m concerned that not everyone has realized that the prerequisite is that they meet even fewer before Christmas, during Christmas and after the New Year, says Solberg.

– I must encourage everyone to be very careful at Christmas.

He recently admitted to NTB that the government specifically considered closing the partnership for a few weeks around the turn of the year. The grip came loose when the infection fell.

Vaccine news for joy and discomfort

The most positive scenario means that vaccination arrives in full force during the New Year, in parallel with the current strict measures that work and reduce infection. Then the measures will be gradually abolished and society will move towards normality.

Otherwise, a sloppy Christmas celebration will lead to a bloom of infections and stricter measures in January.

– Absolutely. We must be prepared for that. So it is important that we do not contribute to it and relax, because now there is good news about the vaccination of the first elderly, says Solberg.

– Joy should not shorten the distance, so to speak.

The Prime Minister has no doubt that a new infection boom could pose challenges for the health sector, as many people become seriously ill. It also takes time to vaccinate all vulnerable groups.

Students, schoolchildren and the elderly

Erna Solberg outlines some of the main pillars of her strategy for 2021. The plan is to continue with testing, isolation, infection tracing and quarantine, crack down on local outbreaks, and continue strict measures locally and national.

– I do not imagine now that we will be free of national measures until well into 2021, says Solberg.

– But we create some side effects of this type of measures that go to health in an expanded concept of health – loneliness and other experiences that life has less value.

In this context, point out which groups can get relief first:

* Students must be able to see more than a computer screen and experience increased activity to counter mental illness.

* It is an objective that as few municipalities as possible have to keep schools at a red level.

* Vaccines for vulnerable seniors may provide relief from visitation restrictions and thus a better quality of life.

But despite the vaccinations: Solberg is hesitant to guarantee a normal summer with normal activities for most Norwegians.

– Little by little we will be able to increase how many people can be together and what activities can be opened. But big mass events are last on the list, he says.

(© NTB)
