Romerikes Blad – A system error caused users to log into other people’s Health Norway profile on Thursday


– Our people did an update on one of the four servers last night. Around 10 pm, an error occurred that allowed some of those using BankID on their mobile to log in to access someone else’s information. This applies to other people who signed up for the same service at the same time, says press contact Are Kvistad at Bergens Tidende’s Digitization Directorate.

Both Bergens Tidende and Bergensavisen have spoken with users who entered the profiles of, to them, completely unknown people, when they logged into public pages through the ID portal on Thursday night.

The woman BT has spoken to was able, among other things, to see that the man she entered on her profile had his extended sick leave last week and at which medical center he had a new medical appointment.

The identification portal provides access to around 2,000 online services from more than 870 public companies, including Nav, Altinn and Helse-Norge.

The Norwegian Directorate for Digitization writes on Friday evening that they have so far mapped that up to 844 people may be affected.

– Surveys so far show that the real number of affected is significantly lower, writes the Directorate.

The error occurred in the periods 22.01-22.10, 22.38-22.44 and 23.06-23.11 on Thursday night, and only affected BankID users on mobile. Those affected will be notified.

The Danish Data Protection Agency has been notified of the incident.
