Robin Karlsen (31) is the second deceased after the Jan Mayen avalanche – VG


TWO DEAD: Robin Karlsen (31) and Bjørg Kathrine Batalden (57) were killed in the Jan Mayen avalanche on Saturday. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum

Engineer Robin Karlsen of Andenes in Nordland is the second to die after Saturday’s avalanche on the Arctic island of Jan Mayen.


Robin Karlsen was a civil defense employee as an engineer and was stationed at Jan Mayen.

According to Knut Grandhagen, director of communications for Cyber ​​Defense, Karlsen has worked with EDB (short for electronic data processing) and radio navigation.

He is one of the two who have been found dead after the avalanche, police operations director Mari Lillestø confirms in a press release.

Bjørg Kathrine Batalden (57) from Vestland also died in the accident.

To be transported home on Monday

Grandhagen also says the plan is for the two dead to be picked up at Gardermoen tomorrow.

– We hope we can do it if the weather doesn’t stop it, he tells VG.

The operations manager in the Nordland police district, Ivar Bo Nilsson, told NTB at 12 o’clock on Sunday that they must clear the runway at Jan Mayen.

– It is estimated that it will take twelve hours, says Nilsson.

The Cyber ​​Defense communications chief also says his colleagues at Jan Mayen take good care of each other and will receive more support.

– Support staff will be sent to take care of the people there, he adds.

Found after skiing

Emergency services were notified of the accident from the North Norway Main Rescue Center at 4:50 p.m. on Saturday afternoon that an avalanche had occurred in Borgdalen on the west side of the island. Three hours had passed since the landslide occurred.

– Three employees of the Armed Forces station in Jan Mayen were on a pleasure trip when they were hit by an avalanche some distance from the station. The landslide occurred around 1:50 PM on Saturday. One of the three managed to get out of the avalanche and was allowed to return to the station, said communications manager Knut Helge Grandhagen at Cyber ​​Defense.

Another man was caught in the avalanche, but escaped the snow masses and was notified by rescue teams. The three are said to have been on a training trip in the Arctic landscape.

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Bjørg Batalden (57) was killed in the Jan Mayen avalanche

DEAD: Bjørg Batalden (57) from Florø worked as a nurse at the Armed Forces station in Jan Mayen. Photo: Firdaposten

Bjørg Batalden, 57, had been stationed in Jan Mayen since September last year. Shortly after arriving, she was interviewed by the local newspaper Firdaposten.

In the interview with the local newspaper, he told about the working day at the Armed Forces station, where the winter team, which is there from September to April, has 18 people.

Both names have been released by the police in consultation with relatives.
