Rey Harald, The Royal House | Warns of major changes in the Castle: – Work is underway


After several years of study, King Harald finally becomes the new king of the sun.

As early as 2017, it became clear that the Royal Court was considering installing a photovoltaic system on the roof of the Oslo Palace.

Nettavisen has now received confirmation that the Royal Palace is in the process of installing solar panels on the roof of the Palace.

Read more: King Harald: “We will build Norway more in love”


– The test-field pilot project has yielded satisfactory results, writes Deputy Director of Communications Sven Gj. Gjeruldsen in an email to Nettavisen.

Since the start of the project, the castle has said it will expand the number of solar panels if the pilot project is successful.

Statsbygg has now been tasked with investigating how much the roof of the 171-year-old building can support.

– Statsbygg has started work to investigate what the roof of the Royal Palace can withstand additional loads, says Gjeruldsen.

At the same time, it emphasizes that the crown situation could make the job take longer.

In the summer of 2018, the Royal Court established a small test facility on the castle roof as a pilot project. In March this year, the Palace was able to confirm that the project had been completed and was being evaluated.

Click the pic to enlarge.  TESTING SYSTEM

TEST SYSTEM: In 2018, the test installation was installed. The results have been positive, and now it remains to be seen how much the castle roof can support.
Photo: Svein Barmen (Statsbygg)

– We need to do studies based on the experiences we had during the trial period. It will probably take some time before we wrap up, communications manager Guri Varpe at the castle told NTB.

Read more: The king is considering solar cells at the castle

Happy in solar cells

The royal couple are excited about solar cell technology. During the Norwegian state visit to Jordan in early March, the royal couple brought with them some of Norway’s leading experts and companies in solar cell technology.

The country has wanted to invest heavily in solar cell technology.

The Swedish king has already installed 1,000 square meters of solar panels on the roof of Stockholm Castle.

The work with solar panels is part of the “El Castillo Verde” climate plan that was decided in 2016. The objective was both to reduce electricity consumption and to make the castle a plus home. For example, one of the castle’s elevators has been replaced by an elevator that produces power and generates electricity when it comes down.

Click the pic to enlarge.  The Swedish castle with solar panel.

SOLAR CELLS: The Swedish castle has already installed solar panels on the roof.
Photo: Bonnier File / TT Retouch Mods via Swedish Royal Family
