Review: «Maskorama» – NRK – We review «Maskorama» song by song


TV: Tonight it was Poodle’s turn to remove the mask. There was no one other than Mia Gundersen hiding behind the pink curls. We review the performance of anonymous participants on an ongoing basis. Pay attention.

We revise

The Unicorn: “River” – Bishop Briggs

These were new shades of the Unicorn. From salty west coast pop to languid soul. This is a genre that requires a lot of technique and voice. There is a good crack in the adult voice and the Unicorn is based on a cool attitude. Lung capacity is not fully extended, it gets a little hoarse here and there. However, it is still impressive and cool that the beautiful creature dares to prove that she is not a one-trick pony. Sorry, unicorn.

We revise

Vikings: “Friday” – Kjartan Lauritzen

Are there few who know how to have better fun than a true Viking? With this party banger signed by Kjartan Lauritzen, you can’t go wrong? One thing is for sure, there is more pressure on the Viking in the third round of the maskorama than we have seen in the first two rounds. The Balestrand dialect has not survived the voyage to Viking land, but it must be. This works in a usable way. The mood on Friday is also enough on Saturday, it can be said.

We revise

Poodle: “Toxic” – Britney Spears

The poodle is back, now he has to bark properly since he got a free pass in the previous round. The poodle is looking for a kind of James Bond version of the perhaps coolest song by Britney Spears. There will be too much syrup in the arrangement and yield for the roof to lift. Hen shines more clearly when he gets on the record. In the dark there is something unstable and imprecise.

We revise

Ravnen: «Waka Waka» – Shakira

Fun song choice, but going too fast on Ravnen twists. The words disappear on the back of the beak before they have time to reach the TV screen and accelerate the hips. The session gets more husky than good and then the samba quickly falls to the ground. But Ravnen will have to try, even if the task gets too big tonight.

We revise

The troll: “Euphoria” – Loreen

Even trolls can stand with a windmill in their hair. And it must be necessary if you want to do one of the “Eurovision” songs of all time justice? It may be silly to say it over and over again, but this is the Troll scene. Also tonight. Good song options, good performance, and technically superior. She gets goose bumps, the hairs on her neck stand on end, and all that. What a magical performance from this charming crab. Let’s go!

We revise

The Gen: “Get Ur Freak On” – Missy Elliot

You just like Elgen, the hands down coolest singer in this couple. As it should be when you are the king of the forest.

The moose has both feet (claws) worked in care and impact and attitude in buckets and buckets. Raps like a hero. It’s not just, just hitting the beat on this relatively complex song, rhythmically speaking. Tonight there were serious fireworks in the forest.

The case is being updated.
