Reveal Trump’s conversation: – Kim Jong-un dumped you


A new book by Sarah Sanders (38), Donald Trump’s former communications chief, addresses his time in the White House.

In the book, “Speaking for Myself,” she discusses the meeting between Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in Singapore in June 2018. There must have been a moment that she herself perceived as uncomfortable.

The North Korean leader is said to have looked at Sanders and winked at him as the two made eye contact during the meeting.

«We made direct eye contact, Kim nodded and seemed to pile up on me. I was shocked. I quickly looked down again and kept taking notes », Sanders writes in the book according to The Guardian.

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– He trusted you

Sarah Sanders writes about the meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in Singapore.  Photo: AP / NTB scanpix.

Sarah Sanders writes about the meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in Singapore. Photo: AP / NTB scanpix.

In the car on the way to the airport, Sanders recounted the strange moment to Trump and then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.

“Kim Jong-un is up to you. He did.” He screwed me with you, “Trump said, according to the book.

Sanders, who firmly believes, told Trump that was not what he meant.

“Sir, please finish,” he told the New York Times.

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– Take one for the team

Trump and Kelly are said to have laughed out loud as they joked about the incident.

“Well Sarah, then it’s settled.” You go to North Korea and you take one for the team. “Your husband and children will miss you, but you will be a hero to our country,” Trump joked, according to the book.

After the summit, Trump chose to praise the North Korean dictator as “very smart.” Many react to the good tone between the two, and critics did not like that Trump chose so uninhibitedly to brag about the dictator, who is accused of a series of serious human rights violations.

Much of the criticism was made at home in the United States. There, Trump’s embrace of authoritarian leaders was again challenged.

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One of the closest

Sanders was a spokesperson for Trump from 2017 to 2019 and was considered one of his closest and most trusted employees.

When he resigned as spokesman last year, Trump thanked him for his efforts.

“He is a very special person with extraordinary talents and has done an incredible job,” Trump wrote. Twitter.

The 38-year-old is currently running as a possible candidate for governor in the state of Arkansas.
