Retirees, Fraud | Careers after this commercial: – Wondering older


Vigdis Giltun is furious after receiving an advertising brochure that he believes is made to fool the elderly.

– I think the design of the ad is very suspicious, says Vigdis Giltun (68) to Nettavisen.

She reacts strongly and wants to warn others, after receiving an offer that has been sent to the members of the retiree association through Pensjonisten magazine.

Members get the Health Watch Go at a discounted price. Giltun believes, however, that in the offer that has been sent, it appears that the watch costs almost a quarter of what you actually have to pay for it, and that many older people can fall for it.

Also read: Turn off the pension alarm: – Many people receive a shock

On Facebook, Giltun, who is a former representative of the Storting, published a post in which he writes that he is disappointed in the pensioners’ association and believes that the announcement was made to mislead.

Click the pic to enlarge.  It is this brochure, with a membership offer for members of the retiree association, that Giltun responds to.

It is this brochure, with a membership offer for members of the retiree association, that Giltun responds to.
Photo: Private

“This ad is done in a way that tricks the elderly, often slightly visually impaired, into buying a watch that they think costs 890 crowns, but costs 3100 crowns, plus the 135/149 crowns per month that they need to be paid for to work. Know someone who misunderstood the ad and was about to place an order. I think this is a matter for the Consumer Council, “Giltun writes on Facebook.

– wondering older

She tells Nettavisen that she and her partner had looked at the watch and were about to buy it, before discovering that the offer was completely different from what they initially thought.

– The partner thought the watch was great, and that was the price and. He is 81 years old and looks a little bad, and he did not see what was above the price, Giltun notes.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Vigdis Giltun (68) and her partner, Harald Solberg (81).

Vigdis Giltun (68) and his partner, Harald Solberg (81).
Photo: Private

“890, -” is written on the front of the brochure in large white letters on an orange background. Above is a “discount” in smaller, light orange print. It is possible to interpret “890, -” as the final discounted price, as did the Giltun partner, and not the discount itself.

Only after opening the brochure does he find out that the price of the watch is 3100 crowns. The security alarm also costs SEK 135 per month.

– There is a lot of text, it is very misleading, and it gives the impression of being serious and good, when the pensioners association endorses it, Giltun believes.

– Older people may not always complain afterwards either, but they feel a bit stupid if they have misunderstood a brochure. If you read everything carefully, you will take it all, but the way this brochure is made is easy to misinterpret, she points out.

Click the pic to enlarge.  The price of the watch is much higher than the discount of 890 crowns.  Giltun does not think this is clear enough.

The price of the watch is much higher than the discount of 890 crowns. Giltun does not think this is clear enough.
Photo: Private

– Could have been clearer

Bjørg Karin B. Buttedahl, Head of Communications at Pensjonistforbundet, points out to Nettavisen that they are not responsible for the textual content of the advertisements in Pensjonisten magazine, or in the advertisement accompanying the members’ magazine, as this brochure should have done, and therefore refers to the company behind the clock, Continyou.

– But when I look at this brochure, I see that it could have been clearer where it says “discount”. Based on this query, we will contact Continyou and ask them to make that post a bit clearer, if it becomes relevant with subsequent ad attachments, he tells Nettavisen.

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– It is true that page three indicates that the price is 3100 crowns, but I understand that for people with visual impairments it can be confusing.

She believes that the retiree association in its own information about this membership offer has been clear about what is the price and what is the discount.

– Not conscious

The online newspaper has been in contact with CEO Terje Tobiassen in Continyou. Emphasize that they have not deliberately tried to mislead anyone with the ad.

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– We have not deliberately done this to fool anyone, it’s safe. Of course, it is sad that someone misperceives the ad. This is the first time we’ve heard this and we’ll take note of it next time. We can only get better. If you visit our website, to which we refer, you may have given a different image. I hope Vigdis Giltun could have envisioned a mobile security alarm for him or her, even though it costs 3100 crowns, Tobiassen writes in an SMS to Nettavisen.

And add:

– We have a full 30-day right of return, so that our customers can have the watch tried on before they decide to keep it.
