Retiree Association: Puzzling Budget for Retirees


Pensioners’ Association Secretary General Harald Olimb Norman misses out on some good, retiree-specific measures in this year’s state budget proposal. He points out that measures promised under the crown, to visiting friends, against isolation and other things, have been reduced from 400 million to a record 60 million to work against loneliness among the elderly.

– We would like to have more in place. Now we are confident that a broad opposition will make its mark on the budget of pensionershe tells NTB.

He later announced, among other things, digitization measures.

– They have also degraded

– After all, we have 200,000 fully analog seniors. If they’re going to switch to tablets and smartphones, a full-scale training boost is needed. The political consensus in Norway is that you should live at home as long as possible, and then you should not only know what technology is needed, but also want to use it, says the secretary-general.

Nordea’s consumer economist Derya Incedursun says that adjusted for inflation, there is little for retirees in this year’s budget.

– They have also been lowered and have not kept up with the growth of wages and inflation in recent years, and in general I do not see that there are any special measures here that will improve them after this.
