Responds to rejection of training: – Appears as pure exclusion


You can also take skin treatments or get a massage. But a good distance between a personal trainer and a client is not allowed indoors.

– The measures in some cases result without any logical connection, says personal trainer and professional manager at Sprek Fritid, Martin Norum, on TV 2.

In Oslo and in several other municipalities in eastern Norway, gyms have been closed since early November due to high pressure from infections.

However, other companies that have much closer contact with people than personal trainers have been able to remain open. This applies, for example, to hairdressers and masseurs, so-called one-to-one businesses.

HEALTH: NPT and professional leader at Sprek Fritid, Martin Norum, says that while you can be active without a gym, there are many who don't.

HEALTH: NPT and professional leader at Sprek Fritid, Martin Norum, says that while you can be active without a gym, there are many who don’t. Photo: Private

– Pure exclusion

Norum also reacts to the fact that those affected by the measures do not receive an adequate explanation of the reason.

He emphasizes that he generally has great confidence in the Norwegian authorities and that he respects the fact that it is difficult to make decisions in a difficult situation and that there may be some unfortunate results that may not have been taken into account at first glance.

– As the situation is now, I and many hundreds of others in my professional group cannot train our clients one on one inside an empty gym with a good distance and disinfection of everything that is affected, he says and continues:

– We cannot even train our clients outdoors with the equipment that the client brings with them. This applies whether or not the client has a medical reason to exercise.

However, physical therapists can stay open, which in many cases is done like training in a gym.

OUTDOOR TRAINING: Now that gyms are closed, many people need to train outdoors.  But not everyone can do that, says Dr. Ole Petter Hjelle.  Here, students train at Kringsjå in Oslo.  Photograph: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

OUTDOOR TRAINING: Now that gyms are closed, many people need to train outdoors. But not everyone can do that, says Dr. Ole Petter Hjelle. Here, students train at Kringsjå in Oslo. Photograph: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

– When a personal trainer in many examples in practice does the same with the client, this is prohibited, says Norum.

– When other occupational groups are allowed to remain open because they are one-to-one companies, it appears as a pure exclusion when our one-to-one company has to remain closed without the reason being explained, continues Norum.

Paradoks poltur

The fact that Vinmonopolet could reopen after the closing of this weekend has also caused many to react.

Among other things, it has drawn attention that Vinmonopolet has been allowed to open, while several children and young people have had to stay at home and not go to school.

When gyms across the country closed last fall, many crossed the municipal border to train there. As a result, several gyms were closed.

When the same thing happens when Vinmonopolet closes, the argument arises that it must be reopened to prevent people from traveling, says Norum.

COLA: When people crossed the municipal border to train at a center, they were also closed.  When people crossed the municipal border to stand on the tail of the pole, which is from Bekkestua in Bærum, Vinmonopolet was opened.  It's hard to understand, says Martin Norum.

COLA: When people crossed the municipal border to train at a center, they were also closed. When people crossed the municipal border to stand on the tail of the pole, which is from Bekkestua in Bærum, Vinmonopolet was opened. It’s hard to understand, says Martin Norum. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB

– This appears not only as a paradox, but as a differential treatment difficult to understand. Therefore, it is timely to get adequate answers about why this is so, and so far it has not happened, he says.

– Much good health in wine, let’s say

Bjørn Myhre Nilsen, owner of Olympus Training in Drammen, agrees with Norum that NPT hours should be allowed.

ANSWERS: Bjørn Myhre Nilsen says it is provocative that Vinmonopolet can keep open, but not health promoting companies.

ANSWERS: Bjørn Myhre Nilsen says it is provocative that Vinmonopolet can keep open, but not health promoting companies. Photo: Alfred de Haas / Olympus Training

On Sunday, Nilsen wrote a post on Facebook about the government’s decision to open Vinmonopolet:

“I suggest that absolutely everyone who wants to train in a center now, get in the car and drive to the closest one that is open! Then the government will reopen all the gyms like they did with the pole! Much health in a glass of siiii red! Hjææææælp! ».

Nilsen was interviewed for the first time by Drammens Tidende.

Nilsen tells TV 2 that he wrote the post to point out how he interpreted the government’s message; that alcohol is more important than physical and mental health.

He experiences that a lot of pressure on the authorities seems to lead to a change of measures, which is why he wrote the aforementioned post.

Furthermore, he says that it is “incredibly provocative” that Vinmonopolet can open, while other companies have to wait as a result of the infection situation.

– I suspect that the training industry has not been prioritized because we have not yelled loud enough, he says, who also emphasizes that politicians are in situations they have not been in before.

OUTDOOR TRAINING: Authorities encourage people to take walks and be active outdoors, but not everyone can, emphasizes Dr. Ole Petter Hjelle.

OUTDOOR TRAINING: Authorities encourage people to go for a walk and be active outdoors, but not everyone can, emphasizes Dr. Ole Petter Hjelle. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB


Physician and associate professor Ole Petter Hjelle from the University of Southeast Norway fears that the restrictions could be very unfortunate for public health.

– I am afraid that the side effects of infection control measures can be as harmful to our health as the virus itself, Hjelle tells TV 2.

Like Norum and Nilsen, Hjelle thinks she doesn’t see any logic that personal trainers can’t have clients, while other individual businesses like hair salons and nail salons can.

Hjelle says she supports that we should have measures in place to limit infection in society, but believes that measures should be as specific and precise as possible so that they affect our health in the least possible way in other ways. And here Hjelle believes that the government is failing.

DOCTOR: Ole Petter Hjelle believes that restrictions have serious side effects.

DOCTOR: Ole Petter Hjelle believes that restrictions have serious side effects. Photo: University of Southeast Norway

– I understand that people need to cut their hair and paint their nails, but it is more important for our health to be able to move, while there is good documentation that there has been little infection in the gyms, says Hjelle. .

– But can’t people go out to exercise?

– Yes, but many of those who train in a gym have chronic musculoskeletal disorders, where exercise is their treatment to stay healthy and function in daily life. Many of them also rely on the follow-up of personal trainers, says Hjelle.

– Most of the people who use a gym or physical therapist are not bundles of muscles that will develop bigger muscles for the bathing season, but ordinary people who train to take care of their physical and mental health, Hjelle continues.

The fact that some measures do not seem logical, and that the authorities do not provide an adequate justification for why and on what basis they have taken these decisions, believes that it could weaken the confidence of the population in the authorities in the long term.

And then it becomes more difficult to get support for important infection control measures in the population, Hjelle believes.

– Some things are not logical

Health director Bjørn Guldvog says it may be relevant to change the rules.

One of the reasons that 25 municipalities are now living under strict measures is to get an overview in relation to the outbreak of the mutated virus in Nordre Follo.

HEALTH DIRECTOR: Bjørn Guldvog says he hopes personal trainers will also be allowed to run their businesses

HEALTH DIRECTOR: Bjørn Guldvog says he hopes personal trainers will also be allowed to run their businesses “in the future.” Photo: Goran Jorganovich / TV 2

But in Oslo and other municipalities in eastern Norway, gyms have been closed for three months, long before the mutated virus was discovered.

– There are some things that are not entirely logical. I would like to remind you that the objective of the measures is to reduce mobility in society, with the fewest number of meeting points possible. It will be a bit biased towards different occupational groups, he tells TV 2.

Guldvog says that “all the time” they see if they have made the right trade-offs when it comes to whether the measures have a biased effect.

– I understand the question, and I understand that a TPN can tell that the person in question has good infection control when handling this situation.

– Will exercise not impair people’s mental health?

– Yes absolutely. I hope this is one of the things that can be adjusted in the future, says Guldvog.
