Resident Parking, Parking | Knut-Erik had to pay the price of diesel for parking an electric car:


Knut-Erik Merdem thought the municipality changed the payment automatically. It became a costly misunderstanding.

– I changed the registration number and I thought the rest was going alone.

That’s what Knut-Erik Merdem says. In early December, he sold his old diesel car and bought an electric car. Merdem lives in Sinsen in Oslo and has to pay for resident parking.

As of March 2020, the resident parking fee for electric cars was also introduced. But the price is completely different from gasoline and diesel cars. Starting in New Year’s, it costs 75 kroner a month and has a permit to park the electric car; a parking permit for a gasoline or diesel car costs 450 kr per month.

But if you don’t take good care of yourself, you may end up paying the diesel price for the electric car.

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– I had the click at an angle!

Because even if you re-register the car in the system, it is not detected that you are switching to a car that is cheaper to park.

The website of the Urban Environment Agency reports on the new prices, but there is no information that the price you have paid will remain in the system even if you have registered a change to an electric car.

Merdem only discovered this when it saw that the municipality withdrew the amount for a diesel car after the change to an electric car was registered in the system:

– You don’t get any information on this! If you change mobile subscription, you will be signed up immediately, while the Urban Environment Agency is allowed not to report this at all. I would have clicked an angle if a private company had behaved like this.

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– You will see what it is worth

Nine days after Merdem’s inquiry, this response came from the agency:

“Unfortunately today it is not possible for the system to adjust the price once it has had a fossil car.”

The agency claims that the deal Merdem has for the diesel car must be terminated and a new deal is requested before it can pay the electric car price for parking.

But crystal clear is not the answer:

“You will see what it’s worth when prices went up on 01.01.2021. The one you have now may be worth keeping until it expires.

– Here is a monopolist who spends nine days answering, and meanwhile I have to pay a new month. I could have cut the payment right away, if I had been notified faster, says Merdem.

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– Absolutely reprehensible

You can change cars in the system twice a year and it is done in no time.

But on the website for the Urban Environment Agency, there is no information about what happens when you switch from a diesel car to an electric car, which is reasonable to assume that many do now. More than half of all newly registered cars were electric in 2020 and two-thirds in December.

Knut-Erik Merdem hoped that since it is so easy to switch cars in the system, he would also grasp that he had switched from diesel to electric cars. Therefore, you also believe that the payment will be adjusted automatically.

The agency’s response, in addition to the Urban Environment Agency notifying up to 14 processing times for a new application, has meant that Merdem has already paid the price of diesel for two months.

Based on the information you have personally received and what is stated on the website, you have assumed that you must pay the price of street parking from completion until a new application is approved.

– This is completely reprehensible and completely miserable customer treatment, says Merdem.

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– Registered the day

Elise Westhagen Fangberget, a special consultant for the Urban Environment Agency, explains that the system was originally developed for one type of tax and is therefore not adapted to the tax change in relation to the switch to an electric car.

The resident parking permit cannot be traded between vehicle groups (car and motorcycle) or fuel groups (electricity and fossils), because there are different prices for the permits and there are no plans to change this, Fangberget says.

– But why hasn’t the system adapted to this, when so many people are switching to electric cars?

– If you have a partial payment, enter into an agreement with the payment provider. We cannot enter and retrieve information from card companies. The client is also not entitled to a refund for the partial payment, which is linked to the original amount, because technically we cannot change the permission. Therefore, a new permit must be applied for.

– But on the website, 14 days of case processing are notified. So, do you risk having to pay for street parking while waiting for an answer?

– The full payment is finished immediately, and you get a refund of more than 200 crowns in a few days. This is very unlikely to take 14 days, if you own the car yourself. This is then usually processed automatically and you get a new permit as soon as the application is registered, within a day.

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If you paid for the current month, the permit will apply until the end of the month regardless of the car switch, but you can’t get a refund, even if you’ve switched to a cheaper permit, Fangberget claims.

But if you don’t follow it, it can get expensive. Knut-Erik Merdem has so far paid 750 crowns, instead of 150 crowns, to park for two months with an electric car.


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