Resident of a nursing home in Lierbyen: – Found dead under closet


A woman in her 70s was found dead in the early afternoon of Sunday, November 8, at the Fosshagen nursing home in Lier.

Above the woman was an overturned wardrobe, writes Drammens Tidende, who first mentioned the case. There were no witnesses to the incident.

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Have upset

Lier’s municipal director of health, care and welfare, Hanne Stubberud, denies that the wardrobe was the cause of the woman’s death.

– I am familiar with the course of events. A doctor who was called assessed that it was a natural cause of death. The doctor’s conclusion is that he has discomfort and grip in the closet, Stubberud tells the newspaper.

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However, he does not know if the woman will have an autopsy. When asked if the woman had injuries after the wardrobe fell on her, Stubberud answered the following:

– I can’t answer that. I was not present and I am not aware of such details, says Stubberud.

– FORTUNATELY: The Deputy Director of Health of the Norwegian Health Directorate, Espen Rostrup Nakstad, is positive about the development in and around Oslo.
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Not fastened securely

Stubberud further says that the wardrobe could not have been fastened securely and claims that all the cabinets in the Fosshagen nursing home are now insured.

The incident was reported to the Norwegian Board of Health, which will assess the incident further, writes Drammens Tidende.

Avisa states that they have contacted the Norwegian Board of Health and are awaiting comment.
