Reported back to police: – Totally unacceptable


The Norwegian Environment Agency is reacting to Equinor today after an oil spill in Mongstad.

Management uses unusually harsh wording in a recent letter to Equinor that has been given access to Dagbladet.

«We take the situation very seriously»They write in the letter that it was mentioned for the first time by E24.

Equinor has launched an internal investigation into the case and the company is now being ordered to carefully assess the contamination and take steps to prevent environmental damage. They are also summoned by the management.

«We adopted the order of investigations and measures on contaminated soils notified on October 6, 2020, considering it necessary to avoid negative environmental consequences», Management writes more.

Equinor is said to have spilled 40,000 more liters than it had a permit for between 2015 and 2019 and, according to the Norwegian Environment Agency, the emissions could have been avoided if Equinor had put the right measures in place.

– Equinor has shown repeatedly recently that they do not take environmental responsibility. Rarely does the Environment Directorate come in with such strong criticism as they do. Once they do, it has to be serious. There seems to be a total lack of will or ability to take responsibility for the environment and safety in the management of Equinor. Regardless of whether it is will or skill that is lacking, it is very serious, says SV’s Lars Haltbrekken to Dagbladet.

He warns that SV will address the matter at the Storting.

-It’s totally unacceptable by Equinor, which has now been revealed, he says.

“Very Concerned” About Equinor Poop Foam

Report to the police

Bellona now reports, for the second time in a week, Equinor to the police.

– Again, Equinor barriers fail to prevent oil spills. These are large oil spills that can have dramatic consequences for the environment, Frederic Hauge tells Dagbladet.

He believes that this case shows that the Minister of Oil and Energy, Tina Bru (H), should apologize for her claim that oil activities do not have a negative impact on the environment.

– Now we are denouncing Equinor for violation of the Pollution Control Law. The investigation report shows that lack of maintenance is one of the causes of oil leaks. One of the underlying causes is a lack of understanding of the oil and water drainage system. Equinor has not been aware of the severity of the oil spill and have not allocated enough resources to follow up on it, Hauge continues.

If the skin is full: - State propaganda

If the skin is full: – State propaganda

Equinor: – Measures implemented

Equinor has responded in a press release:

– When the situation became known, Equinor immediately implemented measures to limit the consequences of the entry of oil. Oil has already been collected from the ground around the safety basin. All sources of leaks we have found have been rectified and the oil values ​​of the water treatment plant have returned to normal levels, says Director of Marketing, Processing and Commerce, Irene Rummelhoff.

– The conditions we have discovered in Mongstad are unacceptable. Research shows that there has been insufficient understanding of the requirements that apply to discharges to ground, and that this has led us to have a practice in this area that is not in accordance with the relevant environmental requirements. In addition to operational measures on the site, therefore, we have started working to strengthen knowledge and ensure compliance with all requirements for downloads. For discharges to water, the investigation confirms that we have good routines to ensure that we are within the limits established by the authorities, Irene Rummelhoff also says.

Wayward poop foam

Earlier this week, Dagbladet reported on poop foam at the Equinor plant in Melkøya. According to Hauge, this is another example that Equinor lacks adequate control mechanisms for its own operations.

For a long time, leaks from the septic tanks in the administration and management building have generated contamination at the plant. Gut bacteria have leaked into the area where workers stay and work.

The YS Safe organization also reacts to Equinor’s handling of the poop foam.

– Equinor doesn’t seem to have a better overview of the oil pipelines in Mongstad than the sewer pipelines in Melkøya, says Hauge.
