Refser author of a new book about Ari Behn: – You weren’t friends with Ari


Ari Behn’s parents, Marianne Behn and Olav Bjørshol, believe that author Vidar Kvalshaug was not friends with their son for the last ten years.

Offensive and stressful in our year of mourning

We thought it would be a book about Ari and her literature, but it has become something more. For us, it feels offensive and stressful in our grieving year. We haven’t had a chance to read the script before it went to print, Marianne Behn tells VG.

Kvalshaug, who has been a literature critic, commentator and cultural editor for several years, is up to date with the book “Ari – bohemian and the books.”

– When the news of the death came, I began to write both lines in his writings, authors and books that inspired him, as well as memories and stories of thefts from the literary community that we frequent together, Kvalshaug said shortly after Behn took off the lifetime. .

– For most people, he was a super celebrity.

In an interview with Aftenposten, he summarizes how the 47-year-old lived through his time before he died.

Ari Behn came from a restless family. He himself became a restless young man who changed his identity several times.. Towards the end of his life he was so desperate that he did not know who he was. For most, he was a super celebrity. For himself, he was first and foremost a writer who was not allowed to write, said Vidar Kvalshaug.

Video: King Harald’s New Years Address: – We are deeply affected by the death of Ari Behn

“So embarrassing that I have no words”

Today VG published an article written by editor Frode Saugestad that goes against Kvalshaug’s book. He believes the author is using his friendship with Ari Behn to promote his new book, and characterizes Kvalshaug’s behavior “as so embarrassing that I have no words.”

– Now, however, it only amazes and provokes me how you used Ari’s tragic death to sell and promote a book, whose credibility is based on the fact that they were friends something that no one but you will claim. (…) flagrant example of opportunism, totally devoid of integrity, thundered Saugestad.

– He had many people in his life

Help to get

Many phone services offer advice, guidance, and someone to talk to, whether you’re related to a mentally ill person or need help for yourself:

– Your local emergency room
– Mental Health Helpline 116123
– Kirkens SOS 22 40 00 40
– The National Association of Family Members in Mental Health (LPP) 22 49 19 22
– Landsforeningen We Shall Overcome (WSO) 22 41 35 90
– LEVE, National Association of Survivors after Suicide 22 36 17 00

In a new chronicle, also in VG, Vidar Kvalshaug warns against “biting each other”, but instead brings the author back:

– Ari stayed with different people at different times and periods in her life. Some were with their whole lives, others were in a particular circle, others in various circles. Ari’s extraordinary social genius and kindness made him have many people in his life.Kvalshaug notes.

In the new book on Ari Behn, he paints a picture of his old friend as a person who struggled to find his own identity and inner peace.

Read also: Leah Isadora Behn with moving tribute to Ari Behn

Video: Maud Angelica Behn: – There is always a way out!
