Reed after crown press conference: – – No naive limits


– I warned against infection from imports in August and presented the proposal at the Storting as soon as it was opened. And it was serious, Siv Jensen tells Dagbladet.

She reacts strongly to the fact that the government is now, well into October, introducing mandatory quarantine for those from red countries. But it wouldn’t introduce mandatory testing two months ago.

In the last week alone, 50 people infected with the crown arrived from Poland.

– You didn’t take it seriously when I suggested it. The government is a bit like it only knows better, but the proposal has broad support from Norwegian business and industry that depend on labor. Think about what mandatory quarantine does to the construction industry, says Jensen.

Europe: how to stop the virus

Europe: how to stop the virus

Volunteering desired

When the FRP leader proposed mandatory testing in August, both Health Minister Bent Høie (H) and Health Director Bjørn Guldvog responded.

Høie asked the National Institute of Public Health to assess the effect, but at the same time emphasized that volunteering is an important principle and that there must be good reasons to break it.

– Basically, we will be restrictive in forcing people to get tested, if it is not the case we have a specific suspicion that the person is contagious, Health Director Guldvog told NTB.

– I am very surprised that the government has not established a trial regime. The costs of the new measures are enormous, it could have looked different if measures had been taken earlier, says Jensen with reference to the imported infection.

Volunteering sucks

Volunteering sucks

– It is not a private matter

He also rejects that it is a good argument that the test should be voluntary, if you have stayed in countries or areas that have a high infection.

– In general, I agree that health problems are a private matter, but there is nothing about covid-19 that is a private matter. Here, the state imposes strict restrictions that go beyond work, family finances and most things, Jensen says.

The August experience was that one in ten voluntarily tested themselves upon entering Norway.

Skavlan: – Infinitely naive

Dr. Jørgen Skavlan took to Twitter after today’s crown press conference and drew the same criticism as Jensen.

– That it is voluntary to prove oneself when arriving in Norway is infinitely naive. More than 50 corona-infected from Poland have arrived in the last week, Skavlan writes.

Dagbladet has been unsuccessful in reaching out to Skavlan for in-depth comment tonight, but Siv Jensen is happy to endorse Skavlan’s words:

– Yes, the government is infinitely naive.

In the throne speech, the FRP won support for greater transparency in the handling of the crown. Now he asks that the government listen more to the elected representatives.

– If the government is smart, it better anchors the measures in the Storting. Sometimes things have to go fast, I think it makes sense, but it’s strange that they don’t hear what they get. More people than me have advocated for mandatory testing, says Jensen.
