Red wine lowers blood sugar | ABC News


Researchers from Linköping University conducted an experiment with 14 healthy medical students, seven men and seven women, who were served a high-calorie meal consisting of a Big Mac and a triple chocolate chip cookie.

When the medical students were given a glass of red wine for lunch, it turned out that their blood sugar level three hours later was lower than when they were served non-alcoholic beverages with the meal.

Lower values ​​of the appetite-stimulating protein hormone ghrelin were also measured when food was rinsed with wine, the study shows.

Professor and chief physician Fredrik Nyström is surprised by the result, which he believes provides more insight into the advantages and disadvantages of alcohol.

The Linköping researchers also investigated whether snus had any positive effects on hormones, blood pressure and metabolism, which it turned out not to have.

– I’m a bit disappointed that I couldn’t find anything positive with snus. It made my blood pressure and stress hormone level go up, but I’ll look further, Nyström tells SVT Nyheter Öst.
