Red private planes | Red wants to ban private jets: – Rich people like Rema-Reitan can only be found in it.


– It is quite bitter for ordinary people to have to sit herring in a barrel and pay for airfare, while the elite burn greenhouse gases that hardly pay, says Red MP Marie Sneve Martiniussen.

Private jets are something few of us have anything to do with. Billionaires, often with strong views on climate policy, have long been criticized for diligently using private jets.

In addition to being very expensive, it also emits an unusual amount of greenhouse gases compared to scheduled flights.

For example, Nettavisen was able to report how a month’s use of Petter Stordalen’s private jet corresponded to 19 years of average diesel car driving.

In Rødt’s new show proposal, they go straight down the throats of rich folks like Petter Stordalen and the Reitan family.

Read more: The Fillerister Stordalen’s Climate Morality: – Makes Your Own Rules For Yourself

– No evasion

– Flying smaller will be a necessary part of the climate effort in the future. So we can’t accept that billionaires are lounging around, says program committee chair and vice chair Marie Sneve Martiniussen.

Private jets pollute up to 15 times more per person than a trip in a normal economy class. Rødt believes that it is not only about climate emissions, but also about the wallet.

– It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine, but there are billionaire families in Norway who own no less than three private jets at a price of more than 250 million crowns each, he says in clear reference to the Reitan family who in 2017 bought their third private plane.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Dassault Falcon 2000LXS private jet

THIRD PRIVATE AIRCRAFT: The third private plane of the Reitan family, which has made a fortune off the Rema 1000 chain. Dassault Falcon 2000LXS had a list price of NOK 287 million.
Photo: Ultimatejet

– So the airline tax we all pay has a rather bitter taste in which we sit like herring in a barrel on ordinary planes, while the elite burn greenhouse gases that they hardly pay for.

Also read: Klima-Stordalen is fighting with «flyskam». The private plane flew 33 hours – in April

– Completely unnecessary

– Isn’t it more than radical to support a ban?

– Insisting on an entire plane for yourself is more than luxurious and demanding. If the planes had let air and love escape, I would not mind, but we know that air traffic as a whole must decrease and then those that pollute the most must cut more.

As far as Nettavisen finds, there are no countries that have advocated a ban on private jets. But some countries have started tightening the rules. Italy has introduced its own luxury tax on private jets. In the UK, the Labor Party has proposed tightening the rules and has proposed that private fossil fuel planes should not land at UK airports after 2025.

– Could this have consequences for people who fly small planes as part of a hobby?

– No. This is a proposal for private jets, and we also propose exceptions for cases where health or safety requires you to fly your own aircraft. But pure luxury consumption, where you burn tons of greenhouse gases while sipping champagne, is completely unnecessary. Then you can indulge yourself more luxuriously when you arrive, he tells Nettavisen.
