Red level assessment in upper secondary schools


The Oslo City Council is debating new measures for children and young people.

On Monday, the Oslo City Council will present new crown measures. Photo: Ketil Blom Haugstulen

Ten days have passed since the city council introduced a social closure of Oslo. The measures went into effect six days ago.

However, it will be on Monday at. In the capital, 15 new measures will be presented.

The City Council already sees that the measures that are underway are not enough to reduce the infection enough.

Discuss the change in schools

Measurements from the previous round affected a wide range. The goal was to make people know each other less.

The city council will now add specific measures to ensure that the overall effect is large enough.

The new austerity measures will be aimed at children and young people. Aftenposten knows that the city council on Monday will discuss whether a red level should be introduced in upper secondary schools.

During Monday, schools have informed parents that upper secondary schools can move to the red level starting Tuesday.

There is already a red level in upper secondary schools.

The colors are part of the traffic light pattern that schools follow. At the red level, there is a requirement for smaller groups and distance between students. To some extent, it is up to the schools exactly how it should be practiced.

The government has emphasized that the red level does not just mean digital education.

Subject matter experts did not mention secondary schools.

On November 5, Solberg introduced new national standards. At the same time, the government asked areas with a particularly high level of infection to consider a series of additional measures.

The Government encouraged Oslo and other relevant municipalities to consider the following:

«Red level in secondary schools. Middle schools should prepare for the red level. “

There was nothing about high schools in the academic recommendations of The Norwegian Health Directorate Y FHI.

The NIPH believed that the red level could be assessed in upper secondary schools, but stressed that it must be weighed against “the unfortunate consequences of the reduction in school supply.”

As Aftenposten mentioned above, the infection is increasing rapidly among teenagers. Just before the weekend, Prime Minister Erna Solberg expressed concern about the growth of this group.

It is one of the age groups where the infection has increased the fastest in Oslo recently:

Infection is increasing in Oslo

The big challenge for the Oslo City Council is that it takes time to see the effect of the measures.

Today’s figures actually reflect the infection in society more than a week ago. The reason is that it takes time from the moment you get infected until you have symptoms, get tested, and finally end up in the stats.

Therefore, it is difficult to assess now whether the entered measurements will work or whether the arrow will still point up:

There are some disturbing signs behind the daily infection numbers. This may have contributed to the city council seeing the need to further sharpen:

  • Of all those who were tested in the past seven days, 5.7 percent were infected, according to a situation report from the municipality of Oslo on Friday. For all of Norway, the proportion was 2.55% positive samples.
  • The largest increase was among those in their 60s. This is a sign that the infection is seriously spreading to older and more vulnerable groups.

Oslo has implemented measures in several rounds. When they introduced new rules on November 6, they had been tightened in several areas the week before.

Councilman Raymond Johansen stated this weekend that they see signs that the first round of measures is taking effect. Mobile data shows that far fewer people moved downtown in week 44 compared to the previous week. That was after the city council tightened the rules on home offices, but before the city’s social closure.

If the measures have an effect, it will be shown in three steps: first it will be seen in the behavior of the people, then in the infection rates and finally in the number of hospitalized.
