Red-green majority missing – Comment


These are abnormal times. Political parties are largely excluded. However, the strength of the parts is normalizing. The exception is the right that is coming.

In Opinion’s poll, the Right is the country’s largest party for the second consecutive month. Ap is relegated to second place despite the May party being a little ahead.

More comfort is that it has visual contact with Solberg’s back.

While she approved of Høyre’s outcome of the parliamentary elections by a good margin, he approaches the outcome of the Ape elections with small steps.

After all, it is better to step forward rather than backward. Party voters obviously appreciate Støre’s efforts as leader of the opposition during the crisis. People join the ruling party in times of crisis.

The largest opposition party can also become a vote winner if it supports the government’s policies that most like. The ap has moved crisis policy in the right direction.

Also read: Crisis for the Progress Party on new measurements

That makes the party pay.

Jonas Gahr Støre and Ap are ready to lose to Erna Solberg and Høyre at the finish line. Then it will be a historical result. Ap has been the largest party of all elections since 1927. Even during the powerful wave of the right in the 1980s, Kåre Willoch’s party came close to being larger than the Ap of Gro Harlem Brundtland.

By becoming the largest party on the right and Erna Solberg still prime minister after the elections, Erna Solberg passes Kåre Willoch as the leading right-wing politician in the post-war era.

The Prime Minister’s job may miss Jonas Gahr Støre.

Its governmental Ap, SV and Sp alternatives lack two mandates in this survey at most. Støre needs the support of Red or MDG to get the majority. Red is under the barrier.

MDG, on the other hand, is well above the limit. In total, Ap, SV, Sp, MDG and Red have 95 seats. Most seem solid on paper. But the paper can slide easily. If the MDGs fall below the 4% threshold and KrF and Left crawl, most may turn to the Erna Solberg blockade.

Now, there is not much to suggest that the Left and KrF will grow at first. Especially it looks bad for the left. The party has no control or leadership. Fight with internal conflicts and conflicts.

There will be problems with the Minister of Culture, Abid Raja, no matter where he goes. Recently, his secretary of state resigned in anger. The left is infected with the coronavirus.

Sp is in trouble. The party falls sharply and approaches the result of the elections.

Whereas four years ago, Ape’s poor result was closed by a red-green victory, now it may be the Sp not found. A clear brake has been put on the party’s previous record to speed up polls. The party no longer attracts voters from the right and the Ap. Voters who said they would vote for Sp are withdrawing. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum does not prosper during these times. It is best when you can protest and say no to government policy. It is not so easy in times of crisis.

Also read: Vedum brings reelection to Storting

SV is a little up. Still, 6.6 percent is not good enough. Audun Lysbakken and his people have more ambitions than approving the result of the previous elections. As Red struggles to break the 4 percent barrier, MDG elegantly hovers above 5.6 percent. The problem of climate does not go out of style. Especially not now that the parties have to put all the cloths to accelerate the green change. The MDGs may look bright in the future.

Frp and Siv Jensen are not happy. The party has dropped below the 10 percent limit. It filters like a strainer on the right. Frp can’t steal Ap voters. Former Frp voters jump over the fence. Management has panicked.

Frp has reached an agreement with SV and Ap in the Biotechnology Law to demonstrate the independence of the Granavolden platform. The FRP chief of foreign policy came down from the Storting pulpit on Tuesday in protest as the Foreign Minister spoke. The Frp vice president had to ask the party colleague to behave well. The worn out immigration card is pulled out over and over again. The party leadership has threatened to overthrow the government. The Prime Minister replied with a shrug. Only the mouse roared.

The FRP will be in opposition and will help govern the country. The party must choose. The poll indicates that voters believe Siv Jensen made the mistake of choosing to leave the government just before the pandemic hit the country.
