Record infection in Denmark – VG


At the end of the summer, many Danes wore bandages on the Copenhagen metro. It is now mandatory in various situations. Photo: Olafur Steinar Rye Gestsson / Ritzau Scanpix

678 Danes have been registered with corona infection in the last 24 hours. Never before have so many cases been registered in one day.

The graph of the number of infected in our southern neighbor recently only points up. On Friday, 678 new cases of corona were reported. On Thursday, Denmark had 560 new cases to compare.

The Statens Serums Institut in Denmark has previously expressed great concern about infection rates. So they were about half the level they are today.

– It is a worrying increase what we are seeing these days. Previously, we were able to change the curve of the epidemic with various measures, but it must be done quickly and we must all help to make it successful, said Tyra Grove Krause, chief physician and department head of the Statens Serum Institut at the time.

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Closed again

Therefore, the increase in infection led the Danish authorities to partially shut down the country again in early September. The new closure means that bars and restaurants must close at 10 p.m. Standing guests should also wear a face mask.

In addition, the ban on meetings was tightened and the limit lowered to 50 people nationwide. In early September, similar regulations were introduced in and around Copenhagen, as well as in Odense, a total of 18 municipalities.

However, the infection continues to reach new heights.

Almost 2.3 million analyzed

Danish authorities have previously said that some of the infection figures can be explained by improved testing capacity. However, this peak is much higher than what they expected at the moment.

So far, nearly 2.3 million out of more than 5.8 million Danes have been tested for the coronavirus. There are large geographical differences in the way the infection has affected Danish society.

As of earlier this week, the city of Copenhagen and its surroundings had just under half of the nearly 25,000 confirmed cases. The next region on the list is East Jutland with nearly 3,000 confirmed cases.

Wave of fear two

The peak of infection in Denmark and Copenhagen occurs at the same time that Oslo experiences a large amount of infection. In the main gallery, the city council has looked with concern at the Danish figures.

– Denmark was very much our model country. What Mette Frederiksen and the government in Denmark did was something that a lot of people copied because it worked so well. So we are now in a situation where especially the capital region is experiencing a resurgence again, Councilor for Health, Aging and Citizen Services Robert Steen tells VG.

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– What you still do not know about what we are experiencing now in the cities of Europe, it is the cities that are being challenged, whether they are local outbreaks or if it is the beginning of a second wave. It is a big challenge to keep the infection very low while having open urban communities and you should maintain normality as much as possible, continues.

The question now is whether the situation in Denmark can provide important lessons for Norway and Oslo.

– Looking at others is important. I think Denmark was very good, and it was good that we copied a lot of what Denmark did. The fact that they now have a situation in Copenhagen that is disturbing, we must see what we can learn from. It’s hard to avoid an increase in infection when you have to balance it with being as open a society as possible and living with the infection, Steen says.

So far, the Danish measures last until October 4. So far, 647 corona-infected Danes have lost their lives. In Norway, we have lost 270 people.

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