Recommends infection control measures in 15 municipalities


In the Norwegian Health Directorate’s recommendation to the government, they recommend that 15 other municipalities introduce stricter measures in addition to the ten that introduced measures on Saturday.

Among other things, they recommend closing gyms, swimming pools, water parks, spas, hotel pools and the like.

The recommendation applies to the following municipalities: Aurskog-Høland, Marker, Rakkestad, Skiptvedtm, Lunner, Nittedal, Lillestrøm, Lørenskog, Rælingen, Bærum, Asker, Drammen, Lier, Horten and Råde.

- We are ready for battle

– We are ready for battle

Fear of congestion

The Norwegian Health Directorate also recommends closing shopping centers in all 15 municipalities.

– Our assessment is that it is, above all, the shopping centers that should be closed in these municipalities, so that other stores can remain open to a large extent. We view congestion and clustering in common areas in and around shopping centers a particular challenge, says the recommendation.

The Ski shopping center closed on Friday as the first shopping center to be closed due to the pandemic in Norway.

EASTER: Health Director Bjørn Guldvog believes that we must live with meaningful action this Easter. Reporter: Frode Andresen. Photo: Kristin Svorte / Dagbladet
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Recommend reopening the post

Religious and philosophical houses and libraries, on the other hand, can remain open, as can restaurants, which, however, have a liquor ban.

They do not recommend closing restaurants, as they assume that stopping drinks will “reduce mobility.” In addition, they recommend that Vinmonopolet be reopened in the ten municipalities where it closed on Saturday.

– Vinmonopolet has established very good infection control routines at its points of sale, states the recommendation.

– The Norwegian Health Directorate has also been in contact with Vinmonopolet, who does not consider the closing of shopping centers to be a significant practical challenge for its outlets to remain open, even when they are inside shopping centers, the Directorate of Health of Norway. keep going.

The Norwegian Health Directorate also recommends that universities, colleges and vocational schools carry out teaching digitally, and that kindergartens and primary schools remain at the yellow level.

For upper secondary school, the red level applies.

These are the measurements

These are the measurements

Recommendations for a cabin trip

The Norwegian Health Directorate believes that a cabin trip in the first place will not be covered by the term ‘necessary trip’, but it is considered that such trips should nevertheless be able to be made without significant risk of infection.

They recommend that the following starting points apply to advice related to the trip to the cabins:

  • People can use their own cabin in another municipality.
  • Travel alone with your own home and do not receive visitors.
  • Preferably buy in your own municipality.
  • You can use a convenience store in a rural municipality, but then you need to take special considerations to reduce infections, go to the store outside of peak hours.

Presents measures in 21

The government will present its decisions at a press conference on Sunday at 9 pm.

LIMIT THE SOCIAL: Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad at the Norwegian Health Directorate says that one should avoid meeting other people inside. But there are some exceptions. Reporter: Maja Walberg Klev
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The measures presented on Saturday were initially applied to the municipalities of Enebakk, Frogn, Indre Østfold, Moss, Nesodden, Nordre Follo, Oslo, Vestby, Våler and Ås.

The English virus mutation was first detected in residents of a nursing home in a nursing home in Nordre Follo, with a possible spread to a kindergarten.
