Received Admission From One Of Those Who Poisoned Him – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


Under the pretext of being an employee of the Russian security service FSB headquarters, Alexei Navalny called Konstantin Kudryavtsev on December 14. He is one of the FSB agents Navalny previously named as central to the operation to poison him in Siberia in August.

– What were you concentrating on? What clothing is the most dangerous? Navalny asked and got the answer that it is underwear and the area near the rectum.

Navalny was poisoned on a flight from Tomsk to Moscow in Russia on August 20. The pilot decided to land in Omsk to get him medical assistance there.

When Navalny called, he pretended to be someone who had been tasked with writing a report on what happened in August.

Quick medical treatment saved him

The response of the FSB agents is interpreted to mean that it was their agents who placed what Western specialists have defined as a life-threatening variant of Novitsjok’s poison. The group of independent journalists Bellingcat reports that it claims to have a 49-minute recording of the phone call.

– Whether (the plane) had flown further and had not landed since then things could have gone differently. If health workers hadn’t worked so fast, ambulance workers on the runway and so on, says Kudrjavtsev

Navalny has previously called for an investigation by the FSB in relation to his poisoning.

It was also Novitsjok who was used to poison former double agent Sergej Skripal and his daughter Julija in England in March 2018.

– Failed due to an emergency landing

Kudryavtsev says the reason the operation to poison and kill Navalny was unsuccessful was that the plane in which the opposition politician was traveling made an emergency charge immediately after it became clear that he had become seriously ill.

Bellingcat has printed the phone call as follows:

– So let’s summarize: this person survived because the plane landed too early. Is that the main reason?

– Sounds like that to me, yeah. If it had taken a little longer, it could have ended differently. Such coincidences are the worst factor in our work, answers Kudrjavtsev.

Kudrjavtsev is said to be one of several FSB agents who traveled to Omsk after Navalny was poisoned.

When Navalny fell ill on the plane in August, he decided to make an emergency landing in the city of Omsk. There he received immediate treatment. He was later airlifted to Berlin, where he is still being treated by German doctors.
