Recalls nationwide – VG


POISONED: Norgesgruppen Communications Manager Kine Søyland confirms to VG that Bakehuset’s Eldorado “grain bread” and “Fitness baguette” contain sesame seeds that have been poisoned in India. Photo: Norgesgruppen

Several chains are recalling their products after it became known today that a batch of sesame seeds has been contaminated. Eldorado and Bakehuset bread and baguettes are affected, says Norgesgruppen.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has directed all suppliers to remove sesame seeds that have recently been delivered. Displays documents that VG has accessed.

The cause is said to be the failures of Indian producers that have led to the seeds being contaminated with the pesticide ethylene oxide.

According to the documents, the error can cause damage to health due to a high intake over time. VG is aware that several large bakery chains have been asked to recall bakery products containing Idun sesame.

Hits of “Lightly Fried Cereal Bread” and “Fitness Baguette”

Norgesgruppen communications chief Kine Søyland says they have two products that are now being recalled because they contain sesame seeds from current production in India.

– This applies to “Lightly Fried Cereal Bread” from Eldorado and “Fitness baguette” from Bakehuset. Now they are pulling out of all our chain stores, says Søyland.

Grain bread has been on sale until today in all Norgesgruppen chains.

Søyland further confirms that Norgesgruppen is also a GoEco sesame seed supplier. The manufacturer has confirmed that these are safe and edible.

He points out that the most important thing now is to take the products off the market.
Beyond that, I would recommend following the recommendations of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority in this case.

OUT OF STORE: The “fitness bar” pictured will be removed from all Norgesgruppen affiliated stores starting Friday. Communications director Kine Søyland is so far unaware that various products have been affected. Photo: Norgesgruppen

Asking bakeries to recall products

Idun Industry CEO Jone Voll confirms to VG that they have asked all bakeries and customers to recall all their baked goods that contain sesame seeds.

– In the first instance, the focus is on stopping the dispatch and what is in consumption. Then we will assign the use eventually, says Voll to VG.

Idun has asked all customers to return the remaining stock of sesame seeds.

May be carcinogenic

The head of the foreign substances and EEE section of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Marie Wiborg, tells VG that ethylene oxide is believed to be carcinogenic and that the substance should not be present in the food that is sold.

– Belgium has notified the rest of the EU and Norway that high values ​​of ethylene oxide have been found in a batch of sesame seeds imported from India. Part of this batch has been imported to Norway, says Marie Wiborg.

She says the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has notified the companies involved, that they will withdraw the relevant products from the market.

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