– Reason to believe assault weapons have been used – VG


ARRESTED: Police arrested two people after an incident at the Lilleborg church in Oslo. Photo: VG-tipser

Police arrested two people after three were injured in a Lilleborg church apartment in Oslo, police confirmed to VG on Tuesday night.

According to the police chief of task, Tore Barstad, there are reasons to believe that assault weapons were used in the incident.

– We were called to the place due to disturbances in the houses. When we get here, it turns out that three pieces are bloody and appear damaged. A search was immediately launched in the area of ​​the perpetrators. There we found two people who we think may be related to the incident, the task leader tells VG.

There must have been a lot of blood in the apartment.

– They have simply been duly beaten, Operations Director Sven Christian Lie in the Oslo police district tells NTB. Two victims were sent to the emergency room, while the third was sent to Ullevål hospital for treatment.

– We have no information at the moment that makes us suspect that there will be more perpetrators than the two arrested, says Barstad, and claims that the police are investigating the crime scene at the scene.

Police report an unknown degree of damage to the three injured. They are cared for by health.

At 8:27 p.m., the police were notified of a riot in a house near the Lilleborg church in Oslo. When they arrived at the scene a few minutes later, they found three people injured in an apartment, according to operations manager Sven Christian Lie.

The police are on the scene with several patrols.

– We have detained two people, who match the descriptions given in the nearby apartment. That is why we have great forces there. That’s all I can say now, Lie told VG 20 minutes after the police were notified.

LEADER OF THE TASK: Tore Barstad in the police. Photo: HELGE MIKALSEN
