Real danger of strike in retail


The mediation between Handel og Kontor and Virke takes place on Friday night. The Ombudsman says there is a real danger that more than 5,000 could go on strike.

Broker Mats Wilhelm Ruland said Friday night that there is a real danger that thousands of store employees will go on strike on Saturday. Here he is photographed in connection with the mediation between Fellesforbundet and Parat and the NHO Norsk Industri association. Ørn E. Borgen / NTB scanpix

Ombudsman Mats Wilhelm Ruland told TV 2 newscast shortly after 9 pm Friday that the parties are still negotiating, just three hours before the deadline expires.

– For now, they cannot agree on a solution. But the deadline is several hours away, so we are working on purpose to find a solution, says Ruland.

Ruland emphasizes that the consequences will be great if there is a strike. He calls it a big mediation and points out that there are four collective agreements and that two unions are involved on the employee side.

-A conflict will be serious and will affect many, he adds.

Difficult mediation

– This is a difficult mediation like all the other mediations that have come this year. There are many industries that face financial challenges and are struggling. At the same time, there are some industries that are not equally affected by the economic challenges in Norway, Ruland told NRK on Friday.

At midnight on Saturday night, the mediation period between the Trade and Office employee organization and Virke’s employers expires. Organized in Parat employee organization is also covered by mediation.

You can send more than 5,000 on strike

Just over 5,000 employees may go on strike in the first instance, including employees at Biltema and Byggmakker, as well as employees at various grocery stores across the country, Handel og Kontor writes in a press release.

Parat informs NTB that a few hundred of its members may go on strike.

At the core of the disagreement is demands for sick pay, according to Trade and Office leader Christopher Beckham.

– I experience that there is a great will to strike. Our most important requirement is that you receive full pay and sick vacation pay, paid by the employer, says Beckham.

Lost 2 billion

Leader Ivar Horneland Kristensen at Virke says financially tough times make it difficult to meet Trade and Office demands.

– The companies covered by this mediation have had a turnover drop of 1.95 billion during the crown crisis, says Horneland Kristensen, who points out that there is no room for wage growth beyond the agreement as a competitive industry, the subject head on has negotiated in this year’s salary settlement (1, 7 percent).

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