Reacts strongly to the fact that the Lillomarka Cultural Monument has been run over


The Groruddalen Nature Conservation Association and Lillomarka’s friends believe that the Oslo Municipality Urban Environment Agency has destroyed Gamle Gruvevei since 1880.

The Urban Environment Agency in Oslo drove heavy machinery at Gamle Gruvevei in Lillomarka, which was driven in 1880. The leader of the Association for the Conservation of Nature in Groruddalen, Helge Braathen, believes that the road is completely destroyed. Photo: Naturvernforbundet

Just over a week ago, the Urban Environment Agency came in with big machines and cleaned up Gamle Gruvevei, which is located between the Alnsjøen and Linderud mines in Lillomarka.

The 600 meter long road was built in 1880. Historically, it was used to transport ore from the Linderud mines.

Today the road is used by hikers in Lillomarka, and in winter it is part of the forest ski slopes with snowmobiles.

The Urban Environment Agency states that maintenance was necessary. Among other things, they wanted to prevent the roots of large trees from tearing up the road. During the work, trees and vegetation were cut along the road.

Logging machines were used and a skidder was used to clean wood and twigs.

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Desperate for destruction

– They have destroyed the cultural monument and the surrounding nature is completely destroyed, says the chairman of the board of the Association for Nature Conservation in Groruddalen Helge Braathen to Aftenposten.

Both the Groruddalen Nature Conservation Association and Lillomarka’s friends react strongly to the destruction that can now be seen along the way.

On the websites of Lillomarka’s friends, they write that the machines have stuck in the road in several places. Heavy and wide machines have also caused old curbs to be crushed or pushed to the side.

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Ancient cultural monument

The mining road was once built for the transport of horses in carriages and sleighs. In order for the road to support the heavy loads of the carts, the road was built with stone. At that time, the path consisted of a combination of natural stone, hand-carved stone, natural gravel, and hand-crushed crushed stone.

According to the Oslo Urban Environment Agency, the road is listed as worthy of preservation, but not protected by decision.

On the left, the old road as it looked before the Urban Environment Agency drove machines on it. To the right as it looked afterwards. Photo: Håvard Pedersen

Håvard Pedersen, a former Lillomarka forest keeper, says the road cannot handle heavy machinery.

– I’m completely crazy about what happened at Gamle Gruvevei. The Urban Environment Agency could have used horse transport on the road. Then they would have avoided further damage to the mining route, says Pedersen.

The Urban Environment Agency admits routine failures

During the planning of the decision on Gamle Gruvevei gruvevei, it must have been decided that it should be carried out with a small exit machine.

“There was a routine failure when this machine crashed, wood and twigs spread along the road and had to be cleaned up. So a somewhat larger excavator was chosen, at the same time that the good weather and rain ended. it softened and unbearable the ground. The machine began to make tracks, “writes the Urban Environment Agency in Oslo in an email to Aftenposten.

The curbs on the mining route have been removed. Photo: Naturvernforbundet

They further admit that there has been a routine failure that led to the organic material being damaged. An excavator was used to repair the damage.

“This was a palliative measure to repair the soil layer and the vegetation cover that was destroyed,” the agency writes in the email.

It was decided that the raised soil layer should be leveled, so that it becomes a good base for the return of grass, heather and natural plants, they say.

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To be evaluated by Byantikvaren

The Oslo Urban Environment Agency will now carry out an inspection with Byantikvaren to map any damage to cultural heritage.

“Subsequently, an internal process will be followed to avoid implementation-related accidents,” writes the Urban Environment Agency in Oslo.
