Raymond Johansen, Coronavirus | Raymond Johansen announces new crown measures


The Oslo City Council has been under pressure from the authorities to toughen up even more.

You can follow the press conference directly on Nettavisen from 6:00 p.m.

The contagion situation in Oslo has been serious in recent weeks, and last week Councilor Raymond Johansen said that it is forbidden to have private meetings with more than ten people, and strongly recommended that everyone in Oslo wear masks in public transport, even if he manages to keep his distance, the so-called “subway”.

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– We are pretty hard-pressed when we limit meetings to ten. We introduce this with guest registration in restaurants. We give people and industry a good opportunity to think. Then we come back quickly with measures if we see that things do not happen, was something the leader of the town hall said.

And I add:

– If you are traveling by public transport, we recommend that you wear a mask. I don’t see if there are many people. Put on a mask before boarding. Nozzles protect when meter cannot be seen. It applies at the mall, at the grocery store or wherever you need to be.

This is what Health Minister Bent Høie recently said about the crown situation:


In recent days, infection rates in Oslo have dropped a bit, but it has not been enough for the authorities who want decisive action, as soon as possible. More recently on Sunday, Health Minister Bent Høie wrote in an email to Aftenposten that he hopes the capital city council will place great emphasis on the professional recommendation of the Norwegian Health Directorate, which was sent to them in a note on friday.

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– Acting quickly is important. I am closely monitoring the situation in Oslo and am prepared to be able to make national decisions if the Oslo city council does not follow the advice of the management, Health Minister Høie (H) wrote in the email to the newspaper.

Rejected the advice

Johansen, for his part, rejected on Sunday that Oslo should follow the advice of the Norwegian Health Directorate, because it is necessary to give more time to current measures.

– We have no plans to introduce new measures tomorrow. Now we introduced measures last Monday, and we must first see if they work, the city council leader told Dagbladet.

Also read: Oslo Municipality is considering stricter crown measures

Now, however, the pipeline has been given a different sound, and the town hall leader announces new measures Monday afternoon. Before the Oslo Municipality press conference, Høie and Health Director Bjørn Guldvog will have their national press conference, and Oslo may be invaded by national decisions. You can follow the press conference directly on Nettavisen from 2:00 p.m.

Local measures

However, it is not only Høie who is closely monitoring the situation in Oslo. The Oslo County Governor and Viken follow suit, asking municipalities in the Oslo region to assess the need for local measures.

– The situation with the development of infections in Oslo is serious and has consequences for the municipalities of the capital. The municipality of Oslo has introduced more stringent measures to stop the spread of the infection, says county doctor Marianne Skjerven-Martinsen in Oslo and Viken in an email to VG.

Also read: The City Council’s secret list of crown measures: entry to nightclubs in Oslo can be stopped at 10 pm

The county governor also wants to ask municipalities in the Oslo region to assess the need for local measures, in light of the infection situation in Oslo, says Skjerven-Martinsen.

It points out that the municipality is its own infection control authority and therefore can decide on its own measures, while national health authorities can take measures that include several municipalities.

The county governor has invited 20 municipalities to a meeting, including Bærum, Asker, Lillestrøm, Lørenskog and Nittedal.
